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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Phase 2

I know I made a post a little while ago about stuff that was coming out soon, but I wanted to update that, so I decided I'd make a new entry. Also... sorry about not posting anything here for like... an entire month... It's been hard for me to come up with ideas about what to write.
Now that I've got something in mind, I'd love to be able to let you guys in on what's going to happen with Phase 2 of my YouTube channel, since a couple people have been saying "Why do you keep saying that?" Allow me to explain!
Calling it "phase 2" is just cooooool! Well, I mean, there's that, but that's not the only thing about it. A Dramatic Reading of a Yearbook Signing is going to preface Phase 2 of my channel, as well as be the opening to Unfair-Y Tales. With that started, I'll move on to a lot of things I've been wanting to get into! I'm done with all the lame tasks I had to do to get my channel up to snuff, so I finally have the time necessary to work on and get ready for new stuff!
A Dramatic Reading is going to come up around the time that Liz and I finish Ibb & Obb, so you can get a feel for the timeframe (There are 15 stages in Ibb & Obb and as of right now we're on 10 or 11). I've got time to work on more semi-scripted stuff, and also just plan out my next videos, so you can expect a lot more obscure game videos, and also plenty more Sunday uploads in the future! 
However, phase 2 isn't all about moving forward and changing stuff up. I also intend to go back and fix up what I'm lacking. I'm going to cycle through the requests I've still got too, but as Liz brought up a very valid point, there's not as much point in me filling out requests for people that don't exist on YouTube anymore, so I'm going to root out the ones that are superfluous as of now, while getting through the meat of them. I also plan on finishing off/continuing series that I used to work on way back when, while also making them even better! 
I will definitely be revisiting the Selected Genre Series, with help from you guys, of course! I ran into a snag with the third episode, as it was fighting games, and I planned on filming Aggressors of Dark Kombat, but couldn't... I will in the future though!  In addition to that, I'll be going back into my 1 vs 3 videos to finish off the rest of the cast, which is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I'll also finish the DMTV Movelist during Phase 2! I'm hoping to have at least one series going at a time that I can upload weekly, like I'm currently doing with Ibb & Obb. Me and Liz will also be branching out during Phase 2 with Couples' VERSUS and Couples' Competition once Ibb & Obb is finished.
I also plan to stream a bit more often than I do now. I'm finally getting a community going, and they're helping me to advance with the games I'm playing, so I've been really excited about streaming for probably.. The first time ever. You can expect plenty more Skylanders streams in the future! 
There's a bunch coming up, so don't forget to tune in! 

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