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Saturday, November 30, 2013


Well, this whole thing is certainly going to take some getting used to. The interface itself confuses me to the point that I would just like to quit in frustration, but I certainly don't think that now is the time for me to give up, when I haven't even really started. 
So, just so you know, this is in fact the same Kage_Okami as on YouTube. This should be a new place for me to get out thoughts related to gaming, and other stuff that's been on my mind. I'm not really the type to go for a long vlog sort of thing, so instead I figured I'd just let out what I've got to say through this here blog! 
Not only can you find me on YouTube, but I'm also on Twitch, and my STEAM profile can be accessed here. If you're looking to hear what's up with me and my compatriots, people like the mainstays of my group, GrimJak and JackBauer, as well as some newcomers like The Laundry King and rebel_monster, be sure to find our "clan" Okamigakure on Facebook! Oh, and before I forget, I've got a Twitter too! 
You might be trying to figure out why I put clan in quotes. While it is true that I happen to still refer to us as a clan, for the most part our actions as a whole died along with our old forums... It's been three times since I went off to college that I attempted to revive the clan as a whole through the forums, and that just didn't work. Seems like the age of the forum is over, and instead it's time to head on over to facebook.
In any case, I plan to use this place to get some ideas out and hopefully maybe even facilitate bringing together a community, made up of both new and old friends. I hope if you've stumbled across the page, you bookmark it, or head on over to one of the places I've linked to so that we can stay in touch, and you can become a part of this new age for Okamigakure! 