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Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I've been a huge fan of the Borderlands series for years. I can't even tell you how many hours I've logged in total across the three games and the many platforms I've played on. I don't usually go out of my way to repurchase games that I already have, unless they're going to be giving me a lot extra. The first game I did that with happened to be Kingdom Hearts II.5, because I have wanted to play Birth By Sleep for YEARS! I never had a PSP so I didn't get a chance to try it out...
Wait wait, wasn't this supposed to be a post about Borderlands? Oh yeah! Anyway, Grim was kind enough to get me and a bunch of other people a copy of Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for PS4, and we started to play it last night. Within the PlayStation ecosystem (PS3-PS4-Vita), you can actually transfer files around willy-nilly for one character at a time between consoles, so I could have potentially moved over all twelve of my Borderlands 2 characters onto the PS4 but I chose to take it slow and only move over one character, my level 14 Mechromancer, Gaige-archy. We ended up doing the beginning again and... for all of the hours I've put into the game, especially doing the first 2-3 hours of the game 12 times for me personally, and countless other times helping people... For the first time ever, I found playing Borderlands boring

I don't know if it's because I've done it so many times, or... I don't want to help new people or what... But... It's actually kind of scary that I suddenly became bored with something I absolutely love. I did absolutely everything in the first game with Brick and Lilith and I never got bored jumping back in to play with my friends. Hell, I didn't even get bored slumming through Pandora all alone. 
Maybe once we get past the beginning everything will be peachy-keen again and I'll discover that love I once had, but... maybe not. There's still The Pre-Sequel! to play, and that will at least have something new for me to do. I have a copy on Steam so I can't move over my characters like I can with BL2, but I haven't played Wilhelm, Nisha or Aurelia yet, so that will hopefully (fingers crossed) be very very fun to try out! 
The real thing I want to get down to is how many times can you play the same game before it gets boring? How many times can you re-hash the same thing before it becomes stale? Apparently fifteen is my limit, give or take. There's a lot of remakes and remasters coming soon, and I just don't think it's a very sustainable environment, in any sort of medium, yet... There are more of these re-'s coming out now than ever before. I'm a little worried for the future of entertainment at this rate...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Just one of those days

You ever have one of those days, where you wake up kind of early, and you don't feel sluggish, there's no haze about you, and you just... I don't know, feel good about the day? Today is one of those days for me, got up, got ready, didn't hit a single snag, and now I'm ready to deal with the day!
Well, the filming parties, though we didn't do everything on the schedule I had originally planned both went relatively swimmingly (Minus the whole GrimJak falling down the stairs and kneeing a hole in the wall... That's some Unfair-Y Tales stuff right there!
), and I'm happy to announce that I'll most likely be making filming parties a regular thing. Okamigakure will live again, not in forum form, but in FUN form! HELL TO THE YES! 
In other words, I may be separated geographically from my clanmates and many of my friends, but that's a silly thing to stop us from getting together. It's high time I realized that. I used to have a phrase I would use with the international students at college and I don't know why I haven't applied "Distance can't separate friends" to my friends from home and elsewhere in the States. Seems kind of silly, doesn't it? 
I should have enough footage to tide me over, and I've learned enough about PowerDirector at this point, that I can officially start my next tutorial-type project. I'm really happy to announce a new series coming to my channel in the near future: Skylander Path Guides! 
For those of you that don't know, each skylander has a branching skill tree, so generally speaking, you need two of the same character if you want to have all of their moves at your disposal, without constantly resetting or with Series 2 skylanders on, switching trees. I haven't seen too many people actually do this, and I think that it's actually really important to know which path you want when you jump into working on your skylander! You might think one tree is really cool, and then absolutely hate it, and that ends up making you reset the skylander back to level 1... Nobody wants to do that, and I figure I know enough about all of the skylanders at this point to actually make these videos a reality.
I had a specific plan for skylanders that have been around since Spyro's Adventure, and I'm happy that I finally realized how to make it happen in the actual videos! I'm really excited to have something to do that can help a community that I'm part of now that Rumble Fighter is no longer in my life!
Don't forget that Unfair-Y Tales releases every other Sunday for the duration of Season 1, but... If I have enough footage from these two filming parties, I might even get to start up a third series too! Be on the lookout Tuesdays on my YouTube channel for Skylander Path Guides in the coming month and also for a surprise new series in the future too!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Filming Parties

So, I've got a lot of time on my hands lately, and I've had plenty of things sitting on the backburner just waiting to be completed for quite a while. I think it's high time I started getting to all those little notches in my work notebook, don't you think?
One of the things I have realized, or at least have been seeing more and more of over time, when it comes to gaming channels on YouTube (Like mine), they don't exist in isolation. For the most part, every major YouTuber has a community that they exist as part of, as well as collaborate with on a regular basis. While I do have great friends like TethrinblazeKenbei and TheBurningPunch, I just don't do enough stuff with them. I do a lot of streaming over on twitch with the group, but certainly not enough stuff on the YouTubs for it to sustain.
THAT'S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE! You can expect more videos of group plays on my channel in the near future! This started with the Superpowerful Bonanza party, where GrimJak made a very valid point: It's not necessary to have a holiday for us to party! I intend to take this to heart, so... There will be another Superpowerful Bonanza party in the near future, but you'll have to wait a bit to see the results, since... I'm still airing the original!

In addition to that, right after we have that filming party, I intend to have another filming party for another game that I have been meaning to film for years! With that video I'll be introducing you guys to someone new in the group, if all goes according to plan! I've been too lazy and/or scared to get a lot of this stuff done, but... not anymore! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

The next Let's Play

I know I had been telling you guys for a while that the next Let's Play was going to be Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, but since y'know, I'm not part of a couple anymore, it'd be pretty difficult to play Couples' Co-Op! Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects story will be over by the end of this month, so I would have been starting Brothers next month. With that being said, I have a few other ideas for what to do instead! 
There are a lot of other series I have been planning out for quite a while, so I think I'm going to spend some time getting a few of those off the ground, while getting requests done and giving a lot of games with very little footage some love. I'd like to have at least one video game series that I can come back to every now and then like I have with Unfair-Y Tales going right now. For far too long since I stopped playing MUGEN regularly, my channel has just been all over the place... I'd like to get at least something of a bread and butter kinda game/video in place.
You can certainly expect more tutorial/guide series/videos in the future cough Skylanders cough though, so you needn't worry about that. I may not be teaching in a classroom setting, but I still love to help people! I might even be starting up one of those new series pretty soon, so keep your eyes peeled!