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Friday, July 31, 2015

New Month, New Plans

Long time no see, folks! Actually, it hasn't been that long, I've just been updating my older posts lately on the blog. Mostly the requests post, since I've been getting requests and completing old ones too!
Our visitors finally left, so I will be back into my regular groove of streams every other day and actually getting work done! Speaking of every other day streams, as far as that goes, now that I have some time to myself, I intend to start up a new Let's Play over on Twitch in the same vein as the one I did of Knights Contract not too long ago. I haven't actually decided what the next game is going to be, but I'm thinking of playing through Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf for the SNES as the next game. I think it's about time I did something Wolf-related, and also got to playing something on that huge list of games I've got going on my Twitch list of upcoming streams.
I may take breaks of whatever I film next for more Skylanders streams, obviously, and I intend to go through the remaining Galactic Conquests in Star Wars Battlefront II with afightingpenguin, CrazyBacon and Rebel_Monster23. I might end up streaming one versus conquest, because I think that would be a lot of fun, actually.
In addition to those, I've also got some more... secret plans in store for you guys! I know that we said that Liz and I were going to stream the entirety of the Kaos Doom Challenge, but that's kind of up in the air at this point. I bet her children miss her too, haha. No one plays S2 Chop Chop and Pumpkin Eye Brawl but her!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Next couple weeks

For those of you that have been keeping up with Unfair-Y Tales, this post is going to make a lot more sense than for those of you that haven't. The Favorite Child is coming up to visit with her family next week, and they're going to be staying in our house for at least a couple days. I suspect that for the entire duration of their stay I really won't be able to do anything. Thankfully I'm so far ahead on things at this point that nobody may notice that at all!
I'm actually super far ahead on uploads, so I'm trying to make sure that there's a steady stream of content flowing even when I'm unable to really work on anything. I hope to devote a little bit of time in the next couple of days to working on Skylander Path Guides, the next two episodes of which will be devoted to Legendary / Free Ranger, so you can expect that when the Sonic R videos stop flowing! About that though, sorry again for accidentally releasing what was supposed to be the final video first, but, what can I say? I've been a little stressed out lately! 

The real issue in the coming weeks for me will be streaming, as I don't think I'll have any time/the ability to stream without being interrupted in some fashion. I intend to make up for that by starting a new game after The Favorite Child's visit has ended, so at least you guys and gals out there will have something to look forward to over on my twitch channel! I'm actually starting to enjoy myself when I stream, and I have all of you out there to thank for that!
Even though I may not be actively working on anything, I have a slate of requests coming up on Saturdays for the foreseeable future and I'm going to be working on more of those after I finish up the next set of Skylander Path Guides!
That about wraps up the updates. Hopefully I see you all sooner, rather than later!