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Thursday, January 21, 2016

More bumps in the road

Well, if you know me, you know it's absolutely impossible for me to get through anything smoothly. I've just now discovered as I sat down to finally work on the first On the Hunt and this month's Okamigakure Plays that the audio codec I had enabled in OBS when I recorded is not compatible with my version of PowerDirector. I'm going to attempt to re-render both videos and see if the new videos are... watchable in the most basic sense of the word. If it's not that good quality-wise, I'm going to forego the audio in the first On The Hunt video and just put an audio track over the video. That was actually my original intention, but I really do like the music in Between Me and the Night, when it exists anyway.
The other video however, since it's an Okamigakure plays video, absolutely needs to have the audio of all of us going nuts while we play, so I definitely will need to re-render the video no matter the consequences. I've actually filmed next month's Okamigakure plays video as well, since I'd been planning to use that game for this month's, but something (seemingly) easier came up. Either way, you guys should be seeing Okamigakure plays either a little later in this week, or next week! 

My new Let's Play on YouTube has begun, and while I have more videos in it ready to go, I have been trying to deal with Okamigakure Plays and On the Hunt so I haven't had a chance to render and upload the videos. You'll definitely see another one by Tuesday, however! 
For those of you that don't know, I've been working on coming up with a Patreon, and while it's not ready yet, a lot of the pieces of the puzzle have been coming together recently and for that I'm actually really proud of myself. There have been very few times in my life that I can say I was confident, but with that starting to be an every day occurrence, I think I'm also finally ready to reach out and ask for help. I'll keep you posted on that. 
The other thing I've been meaning to let you guys know about is Unfair-Y Tales' Season 2 opener, The Laundry King. The actual person The Laundry King, is pretty... well, let's say unreliable. I actually need him to come over and help me film something for the season opener and he's been... unreachable most recently. In any case, he's officially signed on and now he just needs to get his ass over here. You guys know me, nothing goes as planned in my life, so why should YouTube-ing be any different?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Whistle while you work!

Hey there guys and gals! It's been a little while since I last posted here on the blog, but I'd like to catch y'all up on what's been going on on the YouTube/Twitch front!
The first On the Hunt video is well on its way to completion. I have all the footage I need, but now I need to figure out what I'm going to be saying and exactly which footage I'm going to be using. Once that's done I've actually got another giveaway coming, and it'll be tied to a breakdown of the system in Hi-Rez's new game Paladins. There's so much about the inner system of the game that they just haven't explained, it took pretty much a whole day of fiddling around to figure some of the systems out, and I haven't seen too many videos that just sit there and explain things to you. Let's be honest, those are the kind of videos that I'm best at, so why not?
After the longplay that you guys will be seeing this week on Tuesday (heads up, it's The House of the Dead IV  ), I'll be starting a new Let's Play on the YouTubs that I'll be seeing to the end for once! I also went and purchased a composite>HDMI device so even though my laptop is currently out of commission, I should be able to record old school games again via Game Capture HD! This will actually simplify things on a lot of fronts, and it will actually make my console game videos a bit more standardized, since they'll all be recorded the same way. That's actually really great, you guys won't have to worry too much about the wildly differing qualities on my videos if this works out! 
I've also been on a bit of a Skylander spending spree, so you can expect some new Skylander Path Guides videos in the near future as well! I finally snagged a Nightfall, Splat and a Scratch, and that just got the ball rolling on all the figures I've wanted for quite a while. 
Moreso than any of this news, just remember that there's new and exciting things coming to my channels, so stay tuned!