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Monday, May 2, 2016

Request etiquette

As most of you know, or if maybe you don't, I take requests. Recently, there's been a crazy influx of requests for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Marvel vs Capcom 2. For scale, I've currently got 13 requests from the same person, and this is after I've already done at least 8 of that person's requests. That's not the only person giving me requests for these two games, but two people in particular are getting especially indignant about me completing them.
I upload videos to YouTube on a schedule, and in the current schedule, there's really only two days a week that I would put up videos for these two games: Thursdays (for anything) and Saturdays for fighting games/beat-em-ups. Pretty much every Saturday and some Thursdays for the past three months I've been uploading requests. They're not always for these two games, but on every single video, at least two of these requesters have been like "BUT WHERE'S MY VIDEO!?!" One of them even went so far as to threaten to unsub me the other night.
Just think about that. Think about how ridiculous that is. You go onto someone else's channel, and you ask them to do something for you, and then you become absolutely indignant that it hasn't been done quickly enough. I actually had to virtually sit one of them down the other day and explain to them that the only person whose channel they're going to have control over when it comes to content; when it's released and when it's worked on is themselves. That, in and of itself should be intuitive, it should be inherent knowledge. But it is apparently not...
This is not the first time I've dealt with volume when it comes to requests. A friend of my channel, NewUche, he would give me 100 requests at a time for MUGEN. Same thing happened with Spongerific. Yet neither of these people ever got mad that I didn't do EVERY SINGLE REQUEST RIGHT THAT SECOND. I've devoted the last three months' Saturdays and sometimes Thursdays to requests. The fact is, it's my channel, and should I want to upload something of my own choosing, that choice is mine to make, not anyone else's. You can't possibly think that you can guilt me into only providing content for you, when it's my channel. 
Two of the people putting in requests have actually told me things like "You're going to upload my requests on such and such day, at such and such time." However nicely I could reply, the answer was always "no," yet neither of them seem to get it. I honestly never thought I'd be making a blog entry about request etiquette, but this is what we've come to. 
I've currently got two series running on my channel. My Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Let's Play and Unfair-Y Tales. I work on those first during the week, and whatever time I have left, I make content for the remaining days. Those two series are my priority. Having to explain that I'm simply not going to devote ALL the remaining free time I have to playing a game or two that I don't regularly play is just silly. It should never have had to come to this in the first place. 
I just... I want people to know that making content for the masses takes time, it takes effort. You need to understand that that one person that's actually creating the content is the one that's going to decide what the content actually takes the form of. No one else can decide that.