- Axel & Shiva Survival from Ploxou youtuber
- Sharon Arcade Mode in Fighting EX Layer from toto1996
- Indivisible gameplay from Katie
- Katana Zero gameplay from Katie
- Sanix the Edgehog Gameplay from theoxfordcomma
- Horizon Zero Dawn Let's Play from theoxfordcomma [I have streamed this on Twitch -- but here are all the highlights on YouTube]
- Days Gone Let's Play from GrimJak [I have streamed this on Twitch, but I will continue to add the highlights here as they get uploaded to YouTube]
- MUGEN Movelist for Zvitor's Wolverine from Iskid live forever
- MUGEN Movelist for Astonishing Cyclops from Iskid live forever
- Megaman (Balance), Ryu (Projectile), Morrigan (Balance) Arcade Mode in MvC2 from toto1996
- Ape Out Let's Play from GrimJak
- Resident Evil 1 (Wii Remake) Let's Play from toto1996
- Pokken Tournament Gameplay from toto1996
- Felicia (C1 - Rolling Buckler), Zero (C1 - Ryuenjin), Ammy (C1 - Cold Star) [UMvC3] from Ips Kitty
- Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak [I do not own this game currently] stream from oxfordcommasplice
- Legacy of Kain: Defiance stream from Jokerblader
- Biomutant stream from GrimJak
- Felicia (C5 - Cat Spike), Zero (C5 - Shippuga), Ammy (C5 - Bloom) with ALL English voice [UMvC3] from Ips Kitty