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Monday, January 27, 2014

Naruto Gekitou Ninjataisen 4/ナルト-激闘忍者対戦4 1v3s

Yes, sorry, that title is a mouthful, but this a post about the series I put up originally just to show off, back in the day. Yes, I can be kind of a dick, it happens.
Status: On Hold | Reasoning: I am currently ass at this game.
When I was thinking about how I was going to write this entry, to tell you about this series, I was debating on what I should put the status as. Considering I started putting up these videos waaaaay back in '06, it might be odd that I have chosen to post this as 'On Hold' instead of 'Ended' or 'Complete,' but, hear me out.
For years and years, this was my absolute favorite game of all time, there was nothing better than Naruto: Gekitou Ninjataisen 4 (ーナルトー激闘忍者対戦4) for the GameCube. To this day, at parties, we still dust off my GameCube and Freeloader and bust this puppy out. Though there are (and still continue to be in the series) quite a few issues, like... for example, how all my friends refer to being "Naruto'd" when we're playing a game-- i.e. facing the wrong way and whiffing or dying because of it, it's still one of the most fun fighting game series you can get your hands on. The controls are simple, though less simple since they added all the motion controls and the handseals... But I digress, it's an easy game to pick up and play, but it takes quite a while to master. We happen to like this one best, probably because of the roster, it's got just about every single character you could want. Many of whom never appeared in an American Clash of Ninja (CoN is the English title of the series, though the actual name, when translated is something akin to "Furious Ninja War") game. Characters like the Sound Four for example.
Playing this game just about every day after school with friends helped me to get away from the sadness and stuff I was feeling at home, so it just felt right to spend as much time as possible working on it. I got to be pretty decent at it, to be able to fight off three enemies at once, with just about every character. I decided recently that I'd like to go back and finish it off, with the EasyCap, instead of my broken USB webcam taped to the door of my PC Tower recording my TV. No joke, that's how I recorded a lot of the footage I got. Also, I used a DOS microphone that I actually have on my desk right now as a backup, hahaha.
Anyway, this series was kind of just me showing off, in a game that I spent probably... the most time I have ever spent in a single game. Though I don't play anymore, I'm still at least decent. It also was a very easy branch off from MUGEN, since I had been doing my series Konoha vs the World there. It was natural to move onto something also Naruto related. I basically have Naruto, as a series, to thank for much of my popularity on YouTube. Konoha vs the World and Gekitou Ninjataisen 4 helped me connect with the community and get creative about games!
I put up 11 videos before I grew tired of the series, but I hope to one day have at least one video up for each of the characters in the game in a 1v3 setting. The characters I used so far are: Itachi, KisameKimimaroNarutoSasukeSakura, Kyuubi Naruto (One Tail), Curse Seal Level 2 SasukeNeji (R.I.P.), and then I have two videos of Shikamaru, showcasing both his costumes because my first video of Shikamaru in his Genin outfit had no sound, so I put up one in his Chuunin outfit to make up for it.  
I think that if I go back and finish all the missions, I will be back up to at least par, for where I was skill-wise back in the day. I actually have lost my data for this game multiple times, so it's not like I haven't put many hours into the missions already, but there are at least 200, I would say. When I stopped playing it regularly, my friend Christian, though some of you may know him as Kage Makoto, from the old Okamigakure forums (Instead of the forums, we now communicate via Facebook on the Official Okamigakure page.), got waaay better skill-wise than me. Maybe when I get back into my groove, I'll have some matches up, since it still is technically a staple at parties for my crew. I also need to go back and finish, as a request, a remade video of all the 3 man cell team attacks in the game, since my current Three Man Cell Team Attacks video is actually missing a few. 
The important thing I learned from this series in regards to videos on YouTube are how strange, yet important the metadata for your videos can be. For those that don't know, metadata in regards to YouTube refers to things like tags and annotations. Also if you didn't know, you can only have a set number of tags on each video. I still haven't actually figured out what the maximum criteria is, but I do know one thing, and that is you can actually exceed the maximum length for tags if you use more than one language. It used to be that you could add half the length of the original tags in English in a second or third language (Since I can also type in Japanese and Chinese, this has helped me). The tags on your video are also what help people to find your video through search, and also through 'recommended videos.' It's not just the Title of the video that is important, your tags matter too! 

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