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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Unfair-Y Tales

Are you guys ready to talk about the future of my channel? I KNOW I AM. That being said, why don't I let you guys in on a project of mine that I've been cooking for quite a while!
Unfair-Y Tales
Status: Incubating -- Will begin sometime after March 4th
This is the first entry I'll be writing about a series that I haven't actually started yet, but there are actually quite a few of these I've got planned out. After I write the blog entries for them, so you can get a feel for them, I'll get to work on the series themselves! Think of these next few entries as the hype train pulling out of the station. TOOT TOOT!
You are probably confused by the title, first of all. That's actually to be expected. This series is not going to be about video games though. 
I know you're probably all like  But! Gimme a chance to explain! As many of you know, I have a girlfriend at the moment, and when this project was dreamed up, I hadn't actually met her family yet. Just about any person that knows me, knows that my family is made up of some of the most dysfunctional people that exist (Myself included). Though my girlfriend went to the same college as me, we didn't actually talk, and never really got to know each other at school. 'Cuz of that, she didn't know most of the stories that almost everyone else around me knew, stories like "There's no Time!" or "That one time I crapped my pants..." I figured that I could let her in on my stories, but also give her family a chance to understand a little bit of where I'm coming from, especially if I come off as a bit more than... eccentric.
The basic gist of these stories will be based on one simple fact. The first thing 99.9% of the people I know say when they meet my family is "How are you, you?" Well, that's actually a pretty easy question to answer. I take my family's actions as a handbook of sorts.  Whatever they do, I do the opposite. That is probably the correct course of action. I don't think that I'll confine this series to just my family, though most of my stories will be about them. A friend of mine gave me the idea to expand, so I might do just that.
Most people will probably be wondering why someone with a gaming channel would want to change up the pace so dramatically. If you know me, I thrive on CHAOS! Okay, that might be a little much, but, in all seriousness, I'm thinking that I can use these stories as a branching off point. It's been suggested to me that I try my hand as a comedian, because I have a knack for storytelling, and my stories almost always end up being inadvertently hilarious. I want to also let other people in on why I am the way I am, especially Liz, who I would like to help get a jump start on learning about me and why I do the things that I do. Lastly, to make it tripartite, it has been brought to my attention that I may in fact find telling the rest of you about my life somewhat cathartic, or even therapeutic. 
                                     Believe me, I could use all the therapy I can get.


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