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Monday, December 15, 2014

The problem with Let's Plays

I'm sure there are actually tons of problems with LPs, but the major one for the person filming it is the fact that they have to film it. I was thinking that it was only me that seemed to be encountering this problem, but I recently discovered it was not unique to me. I guess it all depends on the choice of game, but this is a major problem when it comes to recording entire games for me.
I suppose it's a little different when it's a game that's brand new to you, as opposed to a game you've played through multiple times, but I have real issues getting certain Let's Plays done. This doesn't count for games you can finish in one sitting, such as Rushing Beat Shura or Sengoku 2, but when it's a game you're playing for the first time, you often just want to sit and play and enjoy yourself. I learned the exceptionally hard way choosing to play Co-Op first. On top of my personal issues with filming, such as the fact that I had to set up my EasyCap and my PS3 and my laptop just right to get the actual footage, I also had to make sure that my schedule matched up with GrimJak's just right for us to get meaningful footage for our playthrough of Saints Row the ThirdI chose the game because I knew I wanted to play it, but there was just so much that kept me from actually getting to play that I began to dread it. In all honesty, the only full playthrough I've done that was not my first play of a game was my run with Adrian with Shadow Matter through X-Men Destiny on X-Treme difficulty
That want you have to play a new game can really get in the way. You could try just stockpiling footage, but I've never really been one to do that. I suppose that's just the way you'll have to do it if it's a game you really want to play, but I mean, most of us out there on the YouTubs have tons of games to play, and having to set up a game to make sure your recording settings are optimal versus just jumping in and playing one is usually an easy decision to make. That sentiment just builds up over time.
It would certainly be easier if I could just keep my setup ready to go all the time, but I actually like being able to walk around without tripping over any wires, hah. I figured I'd get this out there quick and ask what you guys think about this? What are some ways you've thought of/employed that minimize the stress that accompanies a LP?  

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