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Monday, January 9, 2017

500 SUBS

No, but seriously. Thank you. Thank you all for sticking with me over the years, for being a friend, for hanging out. It means a hell of a lot to me. I had a... We'll say, rough time coming to grips over the years with being me, but now I know who I am and I'm glad that through the wonders of YouTube and the rest of the internet I've been able to share that with all the people that I've been able to over the years. Today has been a really swell day for me just being on the internets, but this achievement is the most amazing icing on the cake I've ever seen. 
While we're on the subject of this year and my channel, why don't I give you guys a heads up on what's coming down the pipeline? That's right, it's UPDAAAAAAAAAAAAATE TIME! It's everyone's favorite time, right??
Welp, Unfair-Y Tales is proceeding completely as planned for once, and I'm almost done with the outlines for all of the episodes this season. There's going to be even more stories left over for a season 4, but I think we all knew that was going to be the case. You don't just... turn off crazy, now do you? 
Tech-wise there's been a couple changes that I'm pretty sure you've been noticing if you've been keeping up lately. I finally have a hookup that lets me record console games without HDMI cables (oddly enough by adapting an HDMI connection, ha) RELIABLY. This means PREPARE TO BE INUNDATED WITH OLD SCHOOL GAMING GOODNESS. 
Actually, starting tomorrow on YouTube there will be an example of this! Tuesdays are my Let's Play/Longplay days and since JackBauer is away on vacation and he wouldn't sit his ass down at his computer, there's going to be a break in the Dungeon Defenders II Let's Play. I'll be filling that gap with some longplays in some games I've been meaning to show you guys for a while now, but I'm also 90% certain I'm going to make it so that there's double videos on most Tuesdays, with a multiplayer and a single player let's play/longplay! I think this will alleviate my need to always be on the rest of Okamigakure's back about sitting down to play something. Also, I have A LOT of games that I still want to play, and share with y'all! 
If you follow me on Twitch, I've started to move down the list of games in that table I've had up on the channel for like 3+ years! Right now I'm working on X-Men Legends II so if you want to join me there, I'd very much appreciate your help! The table on Twitch is set up in a "I'll be let's playing all or part of this game>i want to stream gameplay of this game" fashion. So while I'm currently doing a let's play, the next game will just be some footage, hopefully single and multiplayer! In addition, I'll certainly be streaming Skylanders here and there, as well as Battleborn (HELL YEAH, WINTER UPDATE).

That's all the important news I've got for you today, so stay tuned for the next milestone!