For the first time, I actually booted up Swordbreaker: The Game before I started filming the Let's Play and I've unfortunately learned that this game is one of the ones where you're really not supposed to win. At least... not on your first try. You're supposed to try every single thing you can, starting over from the beginning pretty often. This means that a typical Let's Play scenario is not going to play out as I had originally planned. My new plan is to record a few runs, but I will not be adding commentary to them. There is a lot of text and in order to make sure I don't sully the experience with one of my gaming pet peeves (If you didn't know, I absolutely HATE IT when a let's player reads all the text aloud), it's better I just don't have commentary. That being said, expect at least one run of the game uploaded before I move on over to the next game on my Let's Play list.
In addition, the playing "blind" method has another drawback... Sometimes I end up being trapped in a game that I honestly don't like. The way I am, if I start a task I feel duty-bound to complete it, so getting through something like Vanquish ended up turning into an absolutely abysmal slog. That game played NOTHING like I had anticipated. I can do all this amazingly cool shit, but they want me to be hiding behind a chest high wall for 99% of the game. LAME.
I've actually mentioned before that I have just about the next 20 let's plays planned but you know what? Let's see how excited we can get people for the next FIVE. Also, since I'm going into these blind, please let me know if any of the others play anything like Swordbreaker because... That's good information to know. I will probably at least from now on do what I did for Swordbreaker with other games I'll be playing on the channel, so I'll have a jist of what the let's plays will end up being.
The Next 5 (Planned) Let's Plays:
- Swordbreaker: The Game
- Tekken 7's Story
- T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger (which I have written a blog about before)
- Super Amazing Wagon Adventure (I KNOW this plays like Swordbreaker)
- Giants: Citizen Kabuto