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Friday, December 13, 2013

The tenets of Twitch

Okay, I'm pretty sure just the title alone of this post has probably confused a couple people. I've been on YouTube for a long time, (I believe I started putting up stuff in '06?) and I sort of understand the trends and how the average user thinks. I've gotten a pretty good grip on what I'm doing now and will be doing in the future. however, is an entirely different beast. 
I always saw streaming as a neat idea, and probably not in the same way for the average person to look at it. Streaming games occurred to me to try out simply because I missed being in college. This certainly isn't going to be a post about 'how great college is and why everyone should go,' since the experience is likely going to be totally different for everybody. The most important thing for me about college is that I had a group around me that was willing to support me and that I wanted to be around, for the first time in my life. That, and I was always around like-minded people. I spent more than my fair share of time bringing people together to play video games. Even if I wasn't adding new people to the fold and helping them to feel comfortable and part of the group, it was great for me just to sit around and talk with people, and maybe have a game going on in the background-- not even necessarily one I was actually playing. I've spent entire days just sitting in on my roommates and suitemates playing games and just chatting with them. That was my goal, were I ever to stream; to simulate that same experience. 
I started out streaming on livestream, before twitch was really popular (It might not have even branched out from at that point actually). Livestream is not really a popular hangout for gamers, so I was sort of out of my element there. I don't vlog THAT often so I never really developed a following. I also couldn't for the life of me figure out the Procaster program properly, so I'm sure that didn't help. However, that was the start of the simulation for me. I did get a couple friends to come by and just chat with me while a game was happening in the background. I sort of gave up on it though after a while.
Then along comes my buddy Tethrinblaze, and here he is telling me that I should diversify my talents, by joining twitch, and how I can make alla dis money and how wonderful it will be. I try to explain to him that working full-time or even half-time on Twitch will only slow YouTube down, but he's still on my case, so I finally try it out. He gives me suggestions and tips on how to improve, but I don't really have the will to devote as much time to it as I should. I'm grateful for his help, but at this point in time, Twitch isn't really what I want to spend the majority of my time doing. While I do adore that idea of just having my friends around while a game happens in the background, I don't think I am capable of keeping up with Twitch and expanding my channel the way I would with a YouTube channel, and I'm going to tell you why by explaining what I've learned about the happenings on Twitch. 
Some of the tenets of YouTube carry over, the simpler ones; things like the idea that to build an audience you have to inspire confidence in them. Developing a schedule is one way to achieve this goal. If they know that you'll be around, they're more likely to stay around. It's much harder to inspire this kind of confidence if you don't have a set schedule. It doesn't necessarily have to be scheduled, but you need to keep providing content. I don't stream regularly, if at all, and my streams are often rather random. 
Speaking of being random, that's something that differs from Twitch and YouTube. When you upload videos of gameplay, they can be totally random, they can even be the most boring walking through a field with absolutely no enemies, and people won't be mad about it. People are much more likely to search for a gameplay video on YouTube than on Twitch if they want to know more about a game. When you stream and someone's watching that same example, they will turn it off. The theory behind streaming is sharing and thus including the audience. You must include the audience in your streaming, otherwise what's the point of streaming in the first place? No one just wants to sit behind you and stare, that'd be creepy. Thus, I've learned that if you're going to stream, you must have a purpose. More often than not, I do not have a purpose in my gameplay, I just want to play and share that fun with others. Thus, YouTube is the better choice for me.
Engaging the audience is certainly a much easier task to accomplish on Twitch, and that's actually a really great thing. On YouTube you have to tell people to do things and then wait. Not only that, but telling people to do things often has much less of an effect on them if they don't have to do it than asking them to, in the spur of the moment would. I think everyone would agree with me on this one, that you've seen at least a couple videos where the people in them on YouTube constantly tell you how you need to subscribe to them or like them or comment more than three times in the video and that just turns you off to it. 
Next up is the quality of content. I'm running an EasyCap for screen capture on consoles that I got for <$5. I'm not even kidding, I think WITH shipping it still came to <$5. of course the quality that I get from it isn't going to be stellar. However, I have to tell you that when capturing video through OBS, or streaming in general, it looks a lot better than it does when it's rendered through the software that comes with the device, ULead. Still, I'm certainly not going to be recording in HD. With a lot of what I usually record, since I have so many older games, that's fine, but... In the case of what's now last gen and this new current gen, non-HD video, especially in regards to streaming, is just not going to cut it. You're much more likely to watch a stream where you can see everything going on than one that's got bad quality. On YouTube, it isn't as much of a problem, because the video isn't happening now. You don't need it to be as immediate. 
I'm going to tell you that upgrading my capture device in the future is a goal of mine, but I think that it doesn't matter as much if I'm recording more stuff on the PS2, PSX, DC, GC and Wii. In the future, I'd like to keep using the EasyCap as my primary capture device for games that are not in HD, just because I already know how to use it and how to get the best out of it. I also need to get a new camera or perhaps a webcam that's capable of grabbing video from a TV at a decent quality, so I can grab games from the Genesis that I otherwise cannot film through the EasyCap. 
The last thing that I've noticed that differs on Twitch and YouTube is the type of content you're offering. If you check out my backloggery, you'll know just how many games I've got, and the majority of them are what you'd call 'old school.' I have a ton of games that there is almost 0 footage of on YouTube and thus I can capitalize on it. If people are looking for that content, they'll only be able to get it from me. You would think that this would mean it's a good idea to stream it too-- but you'd actually be mistaken. For the most part, people want to see streams of games that are newer, that have a following. The average user is much more likely to look up a stream of a current game, as opposed to an older game (Unless they happen to be looking for a speed run or something of that nature-- remember, your stream generally has to have a purpose). But on YouTube, people are looking for all kinds of games, current or not. Even the "recommended games" on the left panel of Twitch are almost always games that have just recently come out, or have had an expansion pack recently released. It's rare to see an older game. One of the factors that the streams generally must be newer games is actually really simple when you think about it. If the game is new, more people are likely to want to know/see more of it. They'd expect people to be playing it currently.  
I was really surprised, yet in a pleasant sort of manner to see MUGEN as a recommended game on there a while back. The devs have said they want to try and change that, and while I would love for that to be the case, I just don't think that that is going to happen, at least not any time soon. 
In my opinion, if you are going to be successful on Twitch, you have to make it your goal to follow the majority of these rules, and that being the case, I just don't see it turning out as anything more than a supplement to my YouTube channel and whatever else I may do in the future. I hope at the very least, this was somewhat informative to those of you that may be thinking of taking up streaming in the near(?) future. I've been wanting to find a place to articulate these thoughts, and I think here on this blog was the perfect place to do so. 
*EDIT* I have also just discovered that if you are playing a game that does not exist on the Twitch database (Some doujin fighter, like MONSTER, for example, or a REALLY indie title like Super Polyko), then even if you set your status as "playing" you do not show up as a channel that is actively streaming, NOR do your followers get a 'such and such is streaming right now' message. This definitely goes with my idea that you should do your best to go with the flow when it comes to choosing a game to stream.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Community within gaming -- Killing Floor

I was reading an article today and one of the quotes it has said:
"A young person's community is often closely tied to his or her success."
I mean, that in itself is not that profound, it's actually pretty simple. Seems as though everyone would know that fact right? Well, as it turns out, most people don't. But, if you substitute "gamer" for "young person" there, you also get a fact that falls under the same conditions. I know I've said a lot about Killing Floor, especially on Okamigakure's facebook page, but this is honestly one of the first games that I've played that so far has not made me ever be mad at anyone in the community. 
though of course there was that one time that really annoying girl in our game couldn't do anything right and constantly asked for money, to the point that harbingerofwar literally threw all of his money out of the window rather than give anything to her... 
BUT 99.99999% of the time, the community is AMAZING. First of all, the game is HARD. If your team isn't working together properly, you're probably going to die. If you mess up 1.5x up until the fifth wave you can recover. You mess up after that on normal or higher, and you're D-E-A-D, DEAD. You might think that this factor alone is what makes the community shine brighter than most of the games I've played, but that's not really true. I played a lot of Dark Souls, and I've run into more than my fair share of dicks, and that game is generally accepted to be hard as balls as well. 
However, Killing Floor's community is just well... different. I've never seen a game where in the case of a new player joining in the middle of the game, instead of being angry at them, most people automatically throw money at them so that they can upgrade and catch up. If they don't do it automatically, I have literally never had a game where someone in the group didn't hand over some amount of money if they had any at all. Not only that, but the way the game works, if you have DLC, you can buy the guns from the trader and drop them to give them to other players, even if they don't have the dlc. I was playing last night with a max level demo player in my room with all the dlc, and he was just handing out dlc guns to anyone that came near him at the end of a wave! Imagine the possibilities of a game where the players ACTUALLY WORK TOGETHER


That being said, it's pretty much a given that I would recommend this game to pretty much any person that enjoys survival horror and/or FPS's in any kind of capacity. So please, if you've got STEAM, come and join us! Plus, the community is really keen on building maps, so there's basically endless variety. That, and the fact that Tripwire constantly does holiday events that are great! Right now we're killing possessed gingerbread men, demented elves, nutcrackers that come for your soul and melting, pissed off snowmen, for TWISTED CHRISTMAS. Come on, you know that that sounds cool! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

New computer!

Who got a new computer?? THIS GUY RIGHT HERE. I mean, it's nothing specifically powerful or robust to speak about, but it's certainly leagues ahead of what I had before. For the first time in my life, I've got a computer capable of running relatively new games at a decent pace and framerate. Oddly enough, the first game I chose to play was Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers, which isn't particularly graphically intense, but it is so far an altogether amazingly fun game. C'mon, you can't tell me you won't have fun playing a game where the primary antagonist is a midget that wears a pair of dirty underwear on his head that gives him telekinetic abilities and a penchant for kicking people in the ass!
What I really wanted to write this article about is probably nothing that anyone that keeps up with the PC master race hasn't heard before... and that's my feeling after 'upgrading' to a machine that runs Windows 8. First of all, before I even say anything, who at Microsoft thought that everyone that ran Windows wanted a touchscreen? That every consumer has a tablet and prefers it to their PC? About 1/4 of the preinstalled apps need an Xbox Live account to access... I've never even owned a console in the Xbox family. I absolutely despised the original Xbox, but I've come to terms with the Xbox 360 being an acceptable console (My hatred stems from the fact that when the Xbox came out, everyone was talking about graphical prowess. If you know anything about me, you know that I will play a game that looks like absolute shit if it is fun. I don't like gamers that will only play games that look good, they're missing out on the most important parts of the process of gaming...)  
Anyway, I've actually kind of grown to like the Start screen, though I actually don't use it very often. The apps sometimes don't close though, which is infuriating. For instance, I'll run the app for QQ and I'll close it by dragging it down off the page and I find it's still running... So I open it again and close it manually with Alt+f4, STILL getting updates as though it's running. ARG. I go to search for the third method of closing, which is to bring up your list of apps, and it's NOT EVEN THERE. Closing an app is something that definitely needs to be addressed properly before the next iteration, if Microsoft is indeed on a path towards making the tablet the primary machine, or at least, the emulation of the tablet.
Now, can I just ask why the Desktop, or.. the cheap facsimile of which is considered an app, and thus EVERYTHING that ran in the old way is part of it? That's just... not right. WHERE THE HELL IS MY START BUTTON!? There are so many programs that are NOT apps, so why is every single one of them relegated to being accessed through the same banner? I'm confused as to why the Windows Key + tab does something different than Alt + Tab (Besides Aero in Vista where Windows Key + tab showed a display of the windows, but it was still the same thing). I mean I understand that windows key + tab is 'apps' and alt + tab is programs, but I mean... aren't apps still considered programs? Any programmers out there want to clarify the nomenclature for me?! 
Speaking of clarification... I have Vista on my laptop, and I am no stranger to experiencing incompatibility issues with my programs, but I thought as further iterations of Windows were created they would fix these problems. It seems like the primary goal in subsequent iterations of Windows is to simply to forget about the foundation they were built on. I've got three webcams, they're all relatively old, but two of them won't even install on this machine. They can't be autodetected, and they say there are no drivers... Even if I manually install the drivers, the computer tells me they are incompatible. Thanks, two more pieces of plastic hanging around... 
Now, the part important to people that follow me about this post is coming up!
Having a new machine means that I should be able to do more than I did before. I am capable of running newer games, maybe fewer older games though... In any case, I haven't really had a chance to test filming or streaming, but trust me, with a much bigger hard drive, I should have a much easier time holding onto and editing video. [My laptop had a 160GB hard drive, while this monster has 2TB of memory, which I'm hoping I don't just immediately fill up with useless crap!] Now that my computer is capable of running stuff that's relatively recent (8GB of RAM and a 4GB Radeon card) you should expect to see me do more things on the PC besides MUGEN, and I'll probably actually get to play some of the many STEAM games I've gotten my hands on over the years. Here's to a new era of gaming for the Gray Kage of Okamigakure! For those of you that have been with me for ages, thanks for everything! For those of you that are new to the party, let's hope it's a great one from here on out! 
Oh, P.S. The ! or alert noise for Windows 8 is the same sound effect as the character select screen in Street Fighter III Third Strike. NICE ONE MICROSOFT.

Monday, December 2, 2013

About Requests

Now, as I know most of you that frequent my YouTube know, I do in fact take on requests, and I used to do them pretty frequently. It's been kind of slow and such with all that since college started, but I did in fact want to let you guys know that I have all of the requests I've ever received written down, and I SWEAR to you that I will get to them at some point. 
That's probably the reaction I'm going to get from the average user, which is totally okay with me. I mean, I've been getting requests all the way back since I first started that I still haven't completed. That doesn't mean I've abandoned them, it just means I get to them slowly, when I've got a chance.
I've got quite a few plans for YouTube in the future, but I'm still in the process of testing the waters with Twitch. The same strategies that are tried and true on YouTube just don't work at all for Twitch. 
The majority of them are in fact MUGEN videos, and a lot of them are from a HUGE series that my buddy NewUche gave me to do. I actually did complete most of those, but the requests I have left for MUGEN are:
  • Psylocke & Misuzu vs Ichigo & Vega - This one I've already got planned out, I'll be using Team 1 and Tethrinblaze will be using Team 2.

  • Fubuki vs Kasumi - Also have this one planned out, and I'll be fighting against Tethrinblaze in this video as well. 

  • Ikkaku, Hitsugaya (Bankai), Orihime & Ogihci vs Naruto (Drowin's), Kiba, Time Skip Sakura & Time Skip Sasuke

  • A showcase of Cybaster's Goku Z2 - A request from Tethrinblaze

  • A showcase of Aska (From TMNT Tournament Fighters) - A request from raymkkkk

The remainder of my requests are for various games, but I will list them here, followed by the game that will be filmed, like I usually do for my YouTube videos:

  • "Move Along" by All-American Rejects [Rock Band] - This is sort of a request/kind of a tribute for a really good friend of mine, and the song has always reminded me of her
  • Truly all of the 3 Man Cell Team Attacks in Gekitou Ninjataisen 4 [GNT4] - I made a video previously, which I will place here, but it actually is missing a couple of attacks.

  • Dante, Zero, Amaterasu Arcade mode [MvC3] - Tethrinblaze gave me this request/challenge where I film this arcade runthrough, but I must finish every round with a level 3 hyper combo. I certainly haven't played in a long time, but I'm still looking forward to taking this up as a challenge!

  • Long vs Kohryu [BR3] - A request from Lev9371. I'm pretty awful at Bloody Roar 3 as compared to my skills in all the other games (1, 2, Extreme, 4), but I get requests for it more often than the other games. My good friend PianoNox, who you can also find on YouTube as well as has signed on for this request.

  • Hwaorang vs Xiaoyu on Polar Paradise [鉄拳5] - Another request from Lev9371PianoNox has also signed on to help me complete this request.
  • I received a request way back when from a member of TeamRushdown for a combo video filmed in Dream-Mix TV World Fighters. I told them that it's basically impossible to combo in the game because your character gets knocked down after 3-5 hits no matter what, so instead I started to make movelist videos.
  • Soccer Brawl with all of my suitemates - This is pretty much just an ode to the nostalgia of my suite in college, but I swear no viewer will be disappointed by the hilarity that shall ensue.
  • A battle using/against the Redler in Zoids VS III - A request from ikilledkennyXD

  • PvP in Dark Souls using a fire and a lightning gauntlet - This is a request from Tethrinblaze because I started to have fun using the gauntlets and he just wants to spoil it all. 
     [I won't be completing this request because I'm not buying Dark Souls again and the servers are dead for the PS3...]
  • More Zoids VS III videos - A really open-ended request from 05271998
  • a 2D fighter (from SNK) as part of the Selected Genre Series [SGS] from Shiva Shakti/Rednosechulo

    • Strider, Nemesis, Vergil, Dr. Strange and Ghost Rider gameplay in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 from my good friend Kirishima69 (Find her on facebook)
    • Fighting Layer gameplay requests from Mikkel Cobourne: Cappriccio, Allen Snider, Exodus and Sessyu

    • Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Wolverine Arcade Mode [UMvC3] from [requester would rather remain anonymous]

    • Yugo's Arcade Mode in Bloody Roar Extreme, as a foil to Fang's Arcade mode from Hime Elsa

    • Gado vs Shina [BR3], another request from XLev450X/Lev9371

    • Hwaorang vs Hwaorang on Polar Paradise, another request from XLev450X/Lev9371 [Tekken 5] 
    • Strider 2 Let's Play from Teth.

    • C4 Kokoro vs C1 Honoka & C13 Kokoro vs C3 Honoka [DOA5LR] WITH THE ENGLISH DUB VOICES from my good friend Kirishima69 (Find her on facebook)

    • C3 Kenji (Bakuryu) vs Nagi (Default Costume) [BR4] from my good friend Kirishima69 (Find her on facebook)
    • Kenji (Bakuryu in the school outfit) vs Xion (Red Coat) [BR3] -This and the previous three requests are from my good friend Kirishima69 (Find her on facebook and tumblr)! 

    • George playthrough in Fighting Layer from XLev450X/Lev9371
    • Tetsuo Kato playthrough in Fighting Layer from MugenSam2015
    • Deadpool, Dante & Chris in UMvC3 from XLev450X/Lev9371 

    • All Costume 1s Spider-Man (Web Swing), Iron Man (Unibeam) & Hulk (Gamma Wave) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • All Alt Costumes Deadpool, Dormammu & Dante arcade mode in UMvC3 from Pfannkuchesindgeil
    • Dante (Alt Costume), Chris (Costume 3) & Ryu (Costume 2) in UMvC3 from XLev450X/Lev9371 

    • Spider-Man (C1 - Web Swing), Rocket Raccoon (C3 - Pendulum) & Dante (C6 - Jam Session) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • Shuma-Gorath (C6), Ghost Rider (Alt), Wolverine (C3) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from Pfannkuchesindgeil
    • Shuma-Gorath (Alt), Taskmaster (Alt), Hsien-ko (Alt) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from Pfannkuchesindgeil
    • Hsien-ko (Alt - Henkyo Ki), Morrigan (C6 - Soul Fist), Felicia (Alt - Sand Splash) with all Japanese voices Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from toto1996
    • Jill (Alt), Chris (Alt), Wesker (Alt) with all Japanese voices Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from toto1996

    • Spider-Man (C6 - Web Ball), Ryu (C6 - Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku), Chris (C6 - Gun Fire) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • Spider-Man (C1 - Web Swing), Rocket Raccoon (C3 - Pendulum), Spencer (C6 - Armor Piercer) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • Spider-Man (C1 - Web Swing), Dante (C4 - Jam Session), Dr. Strange (C4 - Bolts of Balthakk) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • Phoenix Wright(Alt), Amaterasu (Alt), Viewtiful Joe (Alt) with Japanese voices for all the Capcom characters in the game Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from toto1996
    • Tron (Alt), Zero (Alt), Strider (Alt) with Japanese voices for all the Capcom characters in the game Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from toto1996
    • B. B. Hood (LK), Hayato (partner B(?)), Tron Bonne (LK) Arcade Mode in MvC2 from toto1996

    • Spider-Man (Alt), Rocket Raccoon (Alt), Hulk (Alt) in UMvC3 - All Capcom characters' voices in Japanese from toto1996
    • Marvel the Leopard Arcade in Bloody Roar: Extreme from XLev450X/Lev9371
    • Ghost Rider (Alt - Fire A), Wolverine (C3 - Barrage A) and Dr. Doom (C4 - Missiles) in UMvC3 from Pfannkuchesindgeil - No auto sound levels, requested for JackBauer
    • Arthur (Alt - Dagger Toss), Firebrand (Alt - Demon Missile Charge) and Hulk (Alt - Gamma Wave) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom characters' voices in Japanese
    • Spider-Man (C1 - Web Swing), Shuma-Gorath (C4 - Mystic Ray), Magneto (C2 - Disruptor) in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • Spider-Man (C1 - Web Swing), Dr. Strange (C4 - Bolts of Balthakk), Sentinel (C2 - Sentinel Force (Charge)) in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • King's Arcade Mode in Tekken 3 from Ryzo Aono
    • Bryan Fury's Arcade Mode in Tekken 3 from XLev450X
    • Sakura (HK - Dash), Sonson (A1 - Projectile), Chun-Li (LK - Projectile) Arcade Mode in MvC2 (Diff: 4, Time: 99, Speed: Turbo) from toto1996
    • Spider-Man (C1 - Web Swing), Dante (C5 - Jam Session), Iron Fist (C6 - Rising Fang) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • Spider-Man (C1 - Web Swing), Rocket Raccoon (C1 - Pendulum), Chris Redfield (C1 - Gun Fire) Arcade Mode in UMvC3 from slycooper242
    • Trish (ALT - Trick "Peekaboo"), Vergil (ALT - Rapid Slash), Dante (ALT - Crystal) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom characters' voices in Japanese
    • Ryu (ALT - Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku), Chun-Li (ALT - Hyakuretsukyaku), Morrigan (ALT - Soul Fist) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom characters' voices in Japanese
    • Dante (ALT - Jam Session), Spider-Man (ALT - Web Swing), Iron Man (ALT - Uni Beam) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom characters' voices in Japanese
    • Zero (ALT - Shippuga), Spider-Man (ALT - Web Swing), Thor (ALT - Mighty Spark) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom characters' voices in Japanese
    • Amaterasu (ALT - Cold Star), Strider Hiryu (ALT - Gram), Ryu (ALT - Hadoken) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom Characters' voices in Japanese, Classic BGM, Dynamic SFX
    •  Dante (ALT - Crystal), Deadpool (ALT - Quick Work), Spider-Man (ALT - Web Swing) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom Characters' voices in Japanese, Dynamic BGM, Classic SFX
    • Haggar (ALT - Steel Pipe), C. Viper (ALT - Thunder Knuckle), Spencer (ALT - Wire Grip Slant Shot) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom Characters Voices in Japanese, Classic BGM, Dynamic SFX
    • Spider-Man (C2 Web Swing (I MESSED UP AND USED ALT) - Web Swing), Captain America (ALT - Shield Slash), Hawkeye (ALT - Trick Shot Violet Fizz) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom Characters Voices in Japanese, Dynamic BGM, Classic SFX
    • Wolverine (ALT - Berserker Barrage), Storm (ALT - Whirlwind), Phoenix (ALT - TK Overdrive) in UMvC3 from toto1996 - All Capcom Characters Voices in Japanese, Dynamic BGM, Classic SFX
    • All classes vs the First Boss in Borderlands (1) from Tethrinblaze (mostly to break up the monotony of MvC2 + UMvC3 requests)
    • Furi Gameplay from Tethrinblaze
    • Tekken Force Mode (Any Character, just play!) from Jokerblader
    • Freddy Krueger Story Mode in Terrordrome from ForeverKimberly
    • Mai Shiranui Arcade Mode in Justice League vs Street Fighter from toto1996
    (this should be the playlist version as blogspot won't let you post an embedded playlist...)
    • Yugo vs Fang [BR: E] from my good friend Kirishima69 (Find her on facebook and tumblr)! 
    • Transformers: Devastation let's Play from from toto1996
    (this video should cause the videos to play in playlist order, since you can't post a playlist)
    • Vanquish Let's Play from GrimJak [WHO JUST STARTED TO STREAM, FIND HIM AT MajorGrim]

    (this should be the playlist version as blogspot won't let you post an embedded playlist...)
    • Josie Arcade Mode [鉄拳7] from my good friend Kirishima69 (Find her on facebook)
    • Kuma Arcade Mode [鉄拳7] from Frances
    • All characters' winposes in Bloody Roar: Extreme from Hime Elsa
    • Captain Criminal + Winter Communist vs President-Elect Stark + Spider-Patriot [MvC: I] from GrimJak
    • Fortnite Battle Royale Gameplay from toto1996
    • Knights of Valour Gameplay/Stream from toto1996
    • A Way Out  from toto1996 
    • Battle Circuit gameplay from toto1996
    • Home Cooking of the Hag gameplay from toto1996
    • The House of the Dead: Overkill from toto1996
    • Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition matches from toto1996
    • Deadstorm Pirates gameplay from toto1996
    • Time Crisis 4 gameplay from toto1996
    • Onmyoji Arena Gameplay from toto1996
    • KOF2006 Matches using Luise, Mignon and Lien against PianoNox from FoooF alsubaie
    • a short story based game as part of the Selected Genre Series [SGS] from CreepshowKate
    • an RPG as part of the Selected Genre Series [SGS] from 1up8
    • a roguelike as part of the Selected Genre Series [SGS] from GrimJak
    • Dragon Master Arcade game Gameplay from Arrimas Arrington
    • an open world game as part of the Selected Genre Series [SGS] from Gaiden
    • This is the Police II Let's Play from GrimJak
    • 50 Years Gameplay from afightingpenguin
    • World of Light (streamed) from toto1996 - Not gonna lie, this is gonna end up being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the pipeline.

    Now, there's actually one more thing that I get requests about currently, moreso than ANYTHING else, and that is to do more videos of Wrath Unleashed. You might be wondering why it's not listed with the above items then, right? Well, that's actually kind of simple to answer; the game is TOO LONG. While it does get plenty of views in its own right on YouTube, I kind of feel bad having to split one particular video into so many parts. I instead decided it would probably be best to move it on over to so you could instead sit and watch what's going on in its entirety. However, if you guys think it would be better if I instead plopped another video out in chunks, please let me know, either here or on YouTube, or twitch, or backloggery, wherever you feel comfortable!
    I don't want this to deter anyone from thinking that I don't accept requests on top of these, so please, if you have any ideas, or you want to see something happen in a game that I own, don't hesitate to check out my backloggery and lemme know what you wanna see! Wow, this was actually quite a productive post, and I'm glad I sat down to write it. I find it much easier to let everyone know what I'm up to here than by pooping out vlogs that are intensely long every now and then. 
    I will most likely add the actual videos to this post as I make them, just to make things a little easier. The blogger interface when you're actually posting is a lot simpler and more user-friendly than the interface when you're trying to design the look and feel of your page, and I appreciate that a lot!