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Friday, April 25, 2014


HI EVERYBODY! I'd like to help sort out some details with my really confusing upload schedule. I happen to like lists so there are a ton of little side-rules and stuff based on what exactly I'll put up. 
Youtube Schedule
For baseline rules, I will upload up to 4 videos in one week, and up to two of the same game uploaded on the same day. I feel like otherwise I'm just oversaturating my audience. 
  • Sunday
Sundays are for vlogs and other things that involve mostly me and for the most part do not involve video games. Sunday is reserved for update vlogs, Unfair-Y Tales (when it begins, which is actually kind of soon, so stay tuned), and Otaku Hell episodes if we start working on it again      
  • Tuesday
Tuesdays are my general gameplay days, I upload anything that isn't a fighting game or a beat-em-up. Lately that has been SMITE and Super Smash Land (as I don't consider Super Smash Bros. games to be fighting games, they're more like 'party games' to me). Tuesday is also the designated day for Couples' Co-Op, which is released at 11 AM. I don't expect to ever play a fighting game together with Liz as that's not really something she's interested in. Maaaaaaybe a beat-em-up, but then it'd be released on Saturday. 
  • Wednesday
On Wednesdays I upload highlights from my Twitch every other week. Even though the games might be different, I generally upload only two at a time at max. The highlights that I upload are all longer than a minute, I skip over sending ones shorter than that to YouTube. They are uploaded in reverse chronological order, so as of now I'm trying to catch up with where I'm at right now. Regardless of genre if they're highlights from my Twitch channel they're going up on Wednesday. The only exceptions are when I put up entire runs of a game/demo. 
  • Saturday
Saturdays are my flagship day. I upload fighting games and beat-em-ups, since that's what I started my channel doing, and also the genre of game that I consider myself most attuned to. When I start the T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger LP, the episodes will be uploaded on Saturdays. You can expect MUGEN matches on Saturdays as well!
Twitch Schedule
My schedule on is a little harder to manage, especially for me. As I don't really feel as though streaming is what I'm cut out for, nor do I have the necessary tech as of this moment to do it right, streaming is more of a secondary, maybe even tertiary activity for me. That being such, instead of coming up with a rigid schedule for it, I decided that I would stream after I've gone through two past broadcasts for highlights. Every other day I go through an hour of footage in one of my past streams looking for highlights. I realize that it's a lot harder for my audience to keep track of where I'm at in searching for highlights unless they ask constantly, so I try to make sure that I advertise when I'm going to stream via my Twitter, at least a day in advance. My family usually gets in the way of my streaming, so I try to provide updates between when I first say I'm going to stream and when I actually begin. Not only that, but I tend to play games that aren't in the database over on Twitch, so you wouldn't know I was streaming unless I advertised. 
So yeah, these are my two current schedules! I think that I'll probably keep both of these up at least through the end of the year, maybe indefinitely. I hope you all have a better idea of when I'm uploading. If you want to know why I chose any of these, it's because of data I had taken previously! I don't usually wing things like this, it's all about research! 
Just like Uncle on Jackie Chan Adventures always said "You must do MORE RESEARCH!" 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Don't Give Up!

I know it has been a couple weeks since I last added an entry, but don't worry, I'm still here! This is actually something I've had on my mind for quite a while, but I'm really starting to notice it more and more, now that I'm part of a network. 
A lot of the people that were active in the fullscreen forums when I was active were people that had just recently joined the network, and they were stretching their legs, just like me. Most of the people that joined around the same time, especially the gamers, had actually just started to hang out on YouTube. Their channels were new, and they had all the vigor in the world! Then, slowly but surely, just about everyone I talked to lost their will to continue. Most of the contacts I had made through fullscreen have already pretty much just given up on YouTube. 
The majority of the people joining the network are actually new to YouTubing, especially with video games. It's the kind of thing where they follow some famous YouTuber and think they can just start right from the top. A HUGE problem I've noticed is that for the most part, there are only three types of gamers on YouTube. There's the 'dudebro,' who plays ONLY Call of Duty, Battlefield, Counter Strike and now Titanfall. Then there are the minecrafters, who add hour after hour after hour of footage daily to YouTube just of what you can do in MineCraft. Then there are the horror gamers, who basically use PewDiePie as a bible, and only play horror games he has played. That is basically ALL there is.
The amount of people that do games on Fullscreen that are not one of these three types of gamers could actually probably fit in a single fast food establishment's restroom. This fact is kind of disturbing (Though not because the few of us that don't fall into one or more of these three categories are now stepping in piss), but there's also the fact that there are thousands, if not, hundreds of thousands of brand new YouTubers entering the fray daily, putting the exact same content up. The sheer amount of competition each of these newbies (and I'm not using that as a derogatory term here, they are simply new) faces is incredible. To stand up and be seen/heard above this quivering mass of uniformity is quite the daunting task. 
I'm not necessarily saying that everyone should do it differently, as there is clearly an audience for those types of content, but... The odds of them succeeding are incredibly slim. I've been on YouTube for something like 7 years now, and I'm still not like... a worldwide name, but... I'm still here! Becoming an overnight celebrity really isn't something that 9/10 people, or even 999/1000 people is going to experience. I think it's time the majority of the people hopping on the YouTube bandwagon sample is just being themselves.
I see a ton of YouTubers that fit into one of those three categories just imitating a more widely known YouTuber thinking that that is how they will rise in the ranks. Unfortunately for all of us, just copying someone else is not a viable strategy when it comes to YouTube. Not only that, but even the biggest YouTubers change over time. Take PewDiePie for example, not even the grand subscription king himself still puts up only horror games. What makes you think that just doing the same thing day after day will let you succeed when it hasn't let anyone else? 
I'm not writing this entry to tell you that you can't succeed though! I'm just trying to give some of you a better idea of what you can do to succeed! If most of you spent a bit of time being yourselves, maybe it'd work out better for you. There's also the fact that after you have a great start, you need to use that momentum! I see plenty of newbies to YouTube put in hours and hours of work every single day and pester every person they pass by into subscribing/commenting/liking/favoriting/sharing their videos. While networking and spreading the word through social media is great, sometimes it can be a little much. I had a friend that jumped on YouTube and for I dunno, a month or so, and he sent me multiple messages every single day to tell me about his videos and subscribing and all of that. That can be a little much. 
Like anything else, there has to be a balance. If you keep things up like that for too long, it's pretty much inevitable that you will burn out. The thing with YouTube is that you're allowed to burn out, but only if you come back. You may not be walking into the same environment when you return, but, that may not be such a bad thing. I myself am not looking to become something akin to PewD's or even Robbaz, but I know that I can succeed, and I can expand, and I plan to do just that! If you're not famous overnight, don't sweat it, 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% aren't either. That in itself isn't a justifiable reason for you to give up! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger

After much deliberation, I have decided what my next LP is going to be. A PS1 3D beat-em-up that goes by the name of
T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger
Status: Incubating
I know you might be trying to figure out why I picked a PS1 game, out of all my games to play through to completion, but... Let's face it, I'm basically a gaming hipster. "This game ain't popular? I LIKE IT!" While that is funny to think about, it's actually mostly true. I generally hate games that have a roaring hype-train just because they have one. 
I actually just recently finished the first Assassin's Creed and I'm kind of disgusted about the wonderful things I heard about it. I'm hoping trilogy II is better than this one was. It's the first game I have ever beaten, and literally as the credits rolled I said out loud "I'm gonna sell you." I've got the collector's (read: hoarder's) mentality, so to even bring myself to say that, you know the game must have really upset me. I'm gonna grab all the flags, so I never have a reason to come back, and then BYE BYE ALTAIR! 
I went off-topic again... Anyway, I picked T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger for many reasons other than "I'm going to enjoy every minute of it," like I did with Saints Row the Third. I started my YouTube channel with fighting games and beat-em-ups, and I realize that I've been diverging from my audience, even fighting them in some cases, at basically every step of the way lately. This needs to stop if I hope to rekindle the fire and the community I once had. Choosing a beat-em-up to play through really makes me feel good about what I'm doing, and what you guys are watching too! 
This is a game from my childhood, that I never had the pleasure of getting my hands on. I played the demo endlessly, and if that swamp level is in the complete game, then... I'm gonna breeze right through it! I have always wanted to put some work into it, and now I have a chance, and a reason to see it through to completion! There's also the fact that there's very little footage of it floating around, and I definitely feel as though this is a game that beat-em-up fans should check out. The only playthrough I could find on YouTube wasn't even in English, as a matter of fact! I just got a new EasyCap and it seems to be working well, so I'm looking forward to recording console games again!
Also, since it's single player, I won't have to worry about the times I'm free to play and the times my partner is free to play. I think it's about time I started to look out for myself, no? I spent a lot of time deliberating how I wanted to get this on film, and I bought all the necessary parts for this to work, so I'm hoping it does. I plan on filming on my laptop with my easycap, while using my turtle beach headset's headphones to hear the in-game music, while I use the microphone on it to talk through my laptop. I tested that setup a couple times and it seemed to work via ps3, so I'm hoping it'll work via PS1/2 as well. I could play the game on the PS3, sure, but I'd actually rather play it on the actual PS1 or my PS2, since I have so much extra space on my six PS1 memory cards. Yep, I've got 6 of them. I have 4 PS2 memory cards, but I'm actually running out of space there. 
Also, for a little background on the game, I'm pretty sure that it was the basis for Kung Fu Panda. The game revolves around anthropomorphic animals that do martial arts. The main character's a tiger, and you have to defeat the Dragon Warrior. There's also the fact that DreamWorks Interactive are the developers, and I didn't realize that until I actually bought the game.
I'm not sure when you guys should be expecting to see this, but as of this very moment, I have a couple videos leftover from SMITE'S open beta, I have another video of the after-match animations to make (The loss animations for all the guardian-class Gods, if you're wondering), and some leftover complete videos of Super Smash Land. After all of that is up I plan on starting up Unfair-Y Tales, but! This series will come, I SWEAR IT.