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Thursday, May 1, 2014


Hey everyone who's reading this! All... I dunno, five or six of you, maybe? Just something I'd like to put out there, but... I am for the most part willing to collaborate, you just have to ask! Then of course, you have to follow up the inquiry with actually following through.
I've had so many people over the years come up to me and be like "OH FUCK YEAH, LET'S DO THIS SHIT!" and then absolutely nothing comes of it. I mean... don't get me wrong, I am as much to blame as the other party most of the time (I'm sorry TheBurningPunchX, I really do want to play Double Dragon Neon with you!), but there's just so many people out there that talk alla dis game (hah!) and then when the time comes they don't do anything.
Even being a part of Fullscreen doesn't seem to get me or anyone else of us out of this trap of sounding so enthusiastic and then having absolutely nothing come of it. I've gotten together with whole groups of people I met in the collaboratory section of the Fullscreen forums and absolutely no one in the group has done anything with anyone else besides exchange pleasantries. Is it that we're afraid? Something tells me that's not it. I've complained previously in my Saints Row the Third entry about how difficult it is to make things work when multiple people are involved, but it's certainly not impossible. Hell, me and Grim don't see eye-to-eye on basically anything and we still managed to get 60 videos or so together of the same game! 

I've got a list going right now with games in the future I can collab on with TheBurningPunchX, crazykenbei and EG Vinny Nukem (Though at this point, I think Vinny is kind of burnt out when it comes to YouTube, sadly). That's not to say I won't be doing any collabs with my regulars, as GrimJak, Rebelmonster/Harbingerofwar, JackBauer, PianoNox, CrazyBacon, afightingpenguin, Tethrinblaze and Brokidd have also decided they wouldn't mind helping me out! Of course, there's also my wonderful girlfriend Liz, who somehow finds the courage to put up with me and my internet aspirations. 
Personally, I think that to foster a good audience or community, you've got to be able to show people that you're open to others. If you never ever collaborate with people, I think not only does that show others that you're relatively isolated, but also it's a bit strange. I know a lot of non-gamers think that everyone who is a gamer is a lone wolf sort of person, but for the most part, it's actually more like the other way around. The camaraderie we experience when someone else has got our backs is something that I wish everyone could experience. I mean, it's better when the person at your back isn't constantly setting you on fire, but... I digress.
So please, if you'd like to work with me on something, have a gander at my backloggery, and let me know if there are any games that we both have that you might want to play with me! It doesn't even have to be a collab for YouTube or Twitch. If you're just looking for someone to play a particular game with, if I can swing it, I'm always down!

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