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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Amazon Associates

Quick blog post, seriously guys. 
I've been an Amazon Associate, which means I have a referral code for Amazon that gets me referral fees for people I send there to buy stuff. I've been a member for about a year, and I've been having a ton of problems with it. I know tons of people don't have any issues with it, but naturally I seem to have run into all of them, hah. 
Anyway, the first five orders, from the first month or so I became an associate went through fine, but since then, I've had something like 60 orders made with my ID and not a single one has been credited to me, and I'm fed up with it.
I e-mailed Amazon, and the response they gave back to me said they checked and all the orders they looked at are ineligible, and probably all of them in total are ineligible, but they can't look at all of them or provide me any information as to why. They also said basically the only reason someone should be using your code is if they came across it at random and wanted to use it out of curiosity. 
Basically what they're going for is a way to weasel out of giving me something like 3-5% of the profit they make off a single item. You're! FFS, cut a guy some slack! You rake in BILLIONS of dollars a year and you can't give me 3% back on not even 10 of those sales? 
I'm writing this to say that I'm going to be removing the Amazon links from this blog, my twitch channel and my YouTube page, and referring you guys elsewhere when applicable from now on. You can't even close your associates ID yourself, you have to talk to Amazon about it. I'll be happy to send someone a bunch of capital letters at this point. It'll be swell. 

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