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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

NYCC '14 Pictures

This year's NYCC was actually kind of slow. This was the first year that I ever finished doing everything I wanted to do before the show was over, so there was no rushing, pretty much at all. Liz and Kenbei and I actually just sat around and talked for a couple hours on Saturday and Sunday... I didn't take that many pictures, but I figured I would share with you guys what I did take! We're going to have a video up on my channel this Sunday about our NYCC experiences, so I'm not going to blog very much about that, but I wanted to share with you some pictures I took! I spent most of my time with Liz and Kenbei, as James(GrimJak) and Dan(The Laundry King) were off doing other stuff, so we all probably have different pictures. I know this year everyone took pictures of what they wanted to see, as opposed to everyone taking the same pictures.
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, ENJOY! (You can click any of the pictures for a full-size edition)
The largest booth, WETA, had a sleepy Smaug!

The Teen Titans in their Go! incarnation were blown up outside for the whole weekend
Mega Bloks had a huge display this year, they had a Mechwarrior and an Assassin from AC.

Scale model of Serenity
Dat Aqualad tho

Last year was Supes' 75th anniversary, this year was Bats'.

You can't really see it, but she had these terrifyingly blue contacts on... Definitely the best lasso I saw though.

This assassin had his poses down-pat

While not specifically related to NYCC, there was a Walker hand counting down to the return of TWD. Lost a finger each day until Sunday-- REALLY COOL

The only new Casey Jones we saw, and I don't think anyone could have topped this! Kid's a genius-- and a really nice person too. 

Kenbei spent the entire weekend trying to find a Vegeta. Followed these guys around for like an hour until we could get a photo op, hah.


  1. Replies
    1. I really wish we had taken photos of it as it lost its fingers, but we weren't ~THAT~ lost that we had to go to Times Square every night...
