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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Channel News 11/16/14

Sorry, I just couldn't come up with a clever title... What? I've been watching terrible kung fu movies from the 70s with titles like "Blazing Ninja Warrior vs. Warrior" and "Bionic Ninja" all day, you can't expect too much of my creative faculties right now...
HOWEVER, I was having a chat the other day about planning for the future of my content the other day, and I came up with the name of my Rogue Legacy series! It'll be called Rogue Legacy Heroes with Issues! Yay! I did something creative! 
In other channel news, my good buddy JackBauer has been watching a lot of Two Best Friends Play and suggested that we do some horror gaming. As you know though, I'm pretty much a gaming hipster. Since everyone started doing horror games to try and follow in PewD's footsteps, naturally I am against that kind of thing. I mean, there's also the fact that I just don't really play survival horror anymore. I had a... phase for a year or two, but I really haven't done much in the genre since. 
I'm talking about all of this because JackBauer suggested we play horror games together. He specifically suggested Silent Hill. I don't have any of the games in the series but... I do have the demo for the first game on PS1! Since JackBauer doesn't really do anything YouTube related anymore, he suggested we upload to mine.
So, you can expect the JackBauer Horror Special (Until he wins) up on my channel sometime in the near future! Maybe he'll get a regular spot guest starring on my channel in the future if this turns out to be something really interesting and fun. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2 games down, MANY MORE to go!

As of Tuesday (11/12/14), I have a second full-game playthrough up on my channel! Liz and I actually completed a game as part of Couples' Co-Op! Ibb & Obb, to be specific. This is pretty much uncharted territory for me, since as most of you know, I get bored incredibly easily. We stuck through it, even through intense frustration, and I think we're both the better for it! Though Liz could still use a little jumping practice. In any case, I think this is going to set a precedent for me. I've actually had something go right for once, and I'm excited about it!
If you were wondering, the first game I played all the way through was Rushing Beat Shura/ルッシングビート修羅. Technically the first complete Let's Play on my channel should have been Saints Row the Third, but I actually finished that on my Twitch channel. At some point I will export the final three streams to YouTube and it will be complete, but for now I've just got the two Let's Plays. I hope these two will serve as the first of many, since that's what I'm planning on!
The next game I'll be playing all the way through is something I started a couple months ago; Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects. When I started it, Ibb & Obb was still going and I realized it was eating up too much of my upload schedule to run two LPs at once. I decided I'd instead go for one at a time. I'll be starting up MN again in December, and once I'm done with that, we'll see what comes up next. 

The plans are still on for Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons as part of Couples' Co-Op, but I think I may be waiting for a bit before we start up another cooperative game. I'd like to get a little bit of Couples' Versus and Couples' Competition going before we start anything new. 
There's also a LP of Magicka in multiplayer, but that might be a ways away, and the T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger let's play that I've had planned forever as well. I'm going to try and make sure that my LPs do not occur on the same console in succession, so we'll see how far that gets me, hah. While maybe not Let's Plays per se, I'd also like to do runs in Super Amazing Wagon Adventure and some runs of Rogue Legacy using heroes with disabilities, I think that'd be really fun to play and at least somewhat interesting to watch! 
So yeah, that's what I've got planned for the near future!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Change isn't necessarily good

As most of you know, when college started for me, like... way back in '07, I pretty much dropped off YouTube. I uploaded sparsely if at all, and I stopped replying to comments and messages and all that jazz. I turned my back on the community I had spent pretty much a whole year building, and I know that was a mistake.
I've been doing quite a bit of YouTube related research lately, and I have noticed something about the channels that I enjoy watching-- at least in regards to ones that are largely popular. The gaming channels I frequent, stuff like STER_, Jerma and of course, my all time favorite YouTuber, Robbaz, all have something in common. It's the fact that regardless of what they do or put up, there's a game or two that they always return to. Inbetween random uploads they always go back to something. 
I haven't been a fan of STER_ or Jerma for that long, but from what I can tell, they've always been releasing Team Fortress 2 content. That's their fallback. When I started to watch Robbaz, he was big into Battlefield so he'd go back to that after an upload or two. After a while though, he branched out, and now he works on multiple game series. 
That's something that I don't have anymore, my fallback game was M.U.G.E.N and I've been pretty neglectful of that... I haven't really stuck to anything since me and Liz started Couples' Co-Op and I realize that's one of the many places I went wrong. 
I've been deliberating whether or not M.U.G.E.N can still be my fallback. I'm not sure about that, but... I would definitely like to put up more beat-em-up and fighting game footage for you guys! My uploads have been hella erratic lately, but what can I say? I get bored REALLY easily.