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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My friends are freakin' AMAZING!

So I don't know if you've seen some of my recent posts, but I recently made a post about how far I've come in the last year in terms of YouTube and Twitch. I can say at this point that I've come even further since that last post.
For my birthday this year, GrimJak and CrazyBacon got together and upgraded the hell out of my PC. For the first time in my life, I can play video games on ULTRA settings. This is... a momentous occasion for me, to say the least! They bumped me up from 8 to 32GB of RAM, and I got a new Corsair CX 600 PSU and a brand new 2GB GeForce GT 740. This means you can expect more games and better quality videos and streams from me in the future. Now, if only I could figure out what the hell happened to my internet connection, that'd be absolutely stellar. Well it doesn't matter that much, to be honest, since we're going to do our thing again soon where we switch ISPs to avoid a rate hike, hahaha. 
This birthday has been amazing for my online persona. Another friend of mine, you may know her as CreepshowKate (formerly VirtuousTraveler, who I also came to the realization recently was my very first fan!), has just sent a package my way that should help even more with me being Kage_Okami and you guys getting to see stuff. I'm going to be doing an unboxing of that package, whenever it gets here ('CUZ I DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT'S IN IT). You can expect to see more of her in the near future as she has a brand-spankin' new PC now!  
So, in short, be on the lookout for some new stuff from me and the gang, I'm more pumped than ever to get out there and enjoy some games with all of you!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Upcoming specialty streams!

Hey there guys and gals! I'm not sure when I last wrote an actual new entry here as I've just been updating the request thread as of late, but here I am! Here's some updates and a bit of getting the hype train rolling!
A couple posts ago I had said that Liz decided it was best not to join me for the Kaos Doom Challenge stream and I'm happy to officially announce that ValleyofEgeria will be taking her place for the stream! That stream should probably be coming up next week or so, so get ready for that. I'm also going to assume that Liz has no interest in playing through The Nightmare Express adventure pack in Trap Team either, so VoE will probably take over that stream as well. 
In regards to the Star Wars Battlefront II streams, I've still got two conquests left to complete, and I'm hoping that Rebelmonster23 can join me for at least one of them, as afightingpenguin and CrazyBacon have already helped me complete one each (BOTH PERFECT RUNS, might I add), and I wanted to have the three of them help me out. 
There will also be a PvP (conclave) stream of Warframe coming down the line as well as some Evolve streams with a whole lobby of Okamigakure members. Now that so many of us have a copy of the game, we can definitely get at least five of us in a room at any given time, so expect to see myself, GrimJak, JackBauer, Tethrinblaze, CreepshowKate and PianoNox screaming at one another on a twitch channel near you soon enough! 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Power Stone Tournament Rules

Now that I finally have a set date in mind for my birthday party, I could get a little further into the details on the actual tournament rules. You guys and gals can tune into my Twitch channel on Oct. 3rd for the tournament! Not exactly sure what time, but I've got plenty of time before then to figure that out! I'll be sure to let you know, and if you don't check here I'll definitely be tweeting about it! NOW! LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! (To defeat the... Huns?)

Power Stone Tourney Rules
  • 99 Second Timer
  • Matches will consist of 2 Best of 3 Matches
  • 3 Power Stones
  • Power Gauge Timer OFF
  • Extra Items/Damage Recovery/After Rounds Recovery ALL ON
  • Transformation Damage 50%
  • Transformation Attack 100%
  • Final Valgas is BANNED
  • NO stages are banned, play what you want!
  • Can change characters between MATCHES not between rounds
  • One practice match (single round of a match) per character change (IF the player desires)
For those of you in attendance, I'll have a big white board on the wall with the rules, should you forget any of them. Hopefully this tournament goes by a lot quicker and more efficiently than the long-ass Skylanders tournaments of last year, hahaha.