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Friday, November 6, 2015


To be honest, before CreepshowKate had sent me that package with a new controller and SuperChargers, I was really on the fence about continuing with YouTube and Twitch and the like. I guess in some ways, my whole online persona and all that. She got me back on the right path, gave me that confidence that I seemed to have been missing since I lost the person in my life that gave me the most confidence I'd ever had. It's weird what exactly gives you that little bump in the right direction that everyone needs every now and then! 
Well, one of the things I had been considering for a while was to make a tubestart or a patreon or something along those lines. I had always thought "but why would anyone want to donate to me as opposed to anyone else?" It's true that I haven't ever been a shining beacon of quality, but I'm always around. When CreepshowKate told me she wanted to help out, I don't know, something that I had been missing just... well, it just clicked. I was going to give up on Skylanders, and really streaming in general before I received that package, but it's really been a huge deal for me as far as my online persona goes. 
It couldn't have come at a better time and it really was the perfect thing! My Twitch fanmily is growing ever-so-steadily and I'm actually interested in other people's streams, which is... well, relatively unprecedented for me! I've also just been... drowning in partnership network e-mails. For the first time in a long time I've actually got that "I might be on to something here!" vibe, and I love that! 
Back to the Patreon/Tubestart dealie, I've been strongly considering those as of late because I finally feel like people may actually have a reason to help me. I know that sounds really weird, but I'm one of those people that gets wildly uncomfortable when other people do something nice for them for no reason. Even though I do stuff that other people would consider the same thing for others pretty often, I don't know how to deal with it when it's directed at me. 
I mentioned previously that the thing about me and my channel is that I'm always around. I may not give people HD content all the time, or play the newest-released games, but people come to me for stuff that they know I can provide. Recently the screen on my laptop died and that means I'm now out of a way to film older consoles (My Easycap doesn't function on Win10 so I can't use that). I will clarify, I'm talking about direct capture in this case. I could point my camcorder at the tv, but I feel like that's not really something I should do, it's like stepping back instead of stepping forward once you've already had direct capture. 
That's where the tubestart/patreon stuff comes in! I feel like this might be a good time to start one, since you guys can help me get my laptop back in working order. That way I can continue to give you guys older console footage and games, and get through the remainder of your requests! I'm not saying I'm going to make one of either of those right this second, but, it's something I'm strongly considering. 
If any of you that read this blog would like to offer your thoughts/ideas, please do! I'm all ears!

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