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Monday, September 5, 2016

Battlefield 1 Beta

Hey there guys and gals! I know it has been SO long since I last left you guys a message here, but I've finally got something I want to talk to you about!
For those of you that aren't in the know, the Battlefield 1 beta dropped recently and I decided I would be taking a gander at it, much like most of my game-playing brethren. To be honest, I've always been a bigger fan of the Battlefield games than the Call of Duty series. I figured this game, with a new environment, would be excellent for me to try out, and for the most part I'd been quite stoked about finally get to play. Unfortunately after a couple hours with it, I think I've already decided that I won't be snagging this game on release. 
That isn't to say it's a bad game, because it's not, and I'm sure many of you out there are enjoying yourselves with it. The issue I found with it after spending some time with it was that while the game is impressive, what with the destruction and the different weapon and vehicle types, and the sheer number of players... The experience has not been enjoyable. First of all, they don't explain ANYTHING to you. You gotta figure it out as you go, and while that may seem to some of you to be a method of leveling the playing field, it's a bad idea from a game design standpoint. It took me THREE games to figure out how to leave a vehicle I was in because I had already pressed EVERY SINGLE BUTTON. Then all of a sudden it occurred to me that maybe I've got to try holding down a button. I also could swear that they added the button prompts in to opening doors and shutters and driving vehicles halfway through the beta. That just seems like poor planning to me, but whatever.
The real issue I've got with it is something that Mack from Worthabuy had pointed out in his video, and that is the simple fact that the people that have been playing longer than you ALL have an unfair advantage against you. You get warbonds, which function as a form of currency for the game periodically as you play and level up, and supposedly you can use these to upgrade your equipment. The game drops hints that you can go to your "customize" screen to do this, but I have as of yet not discovered where this fabled screen is hiding. There's no matchmaking in the beta, and I honestly doubt that there will be any in the full game, so like Titanfall, expect to just be dumped in your first game against someone who has hundreds of hours under their belt. 
I'm not saying that you don't kill people, but beyond the scouts and their rifles, pretty much anyone who has upgraded their guns in any of the other classes (assault, medic, support) will beat you, stuck with the starter guns for your class in a fight. If I get killed by someone in the same class as me, they almost never have the same gun as me. It would be fine to me if there was still some kind of skill left in the game, but on multiple occasions I've unloaded entire clips of BOTH my primary and secondary weapon into an opponent, only to have them clip me in the toe once with an upgraded pistol and drop me instantly. That kind of gameplay... Just isn't fun.
There's also some balancing issues that need to be worked out. If you're not assault and you run into a vehicle, well... Kiss your ass goodbye. I understand that the classes are all supposed to be good at something, but to have absolutely NOTHING in your arsenal useful against an oncoming vehicle seems pretty silly. In a game that's got such neat destructibility features, why is it that we can't pop tires or rip a tread or something of that nature? I highly doubt someone who wasn't specifically prepared to take out tanks in actual wartime scenarios couldn't figure out something to do to help defend themselves.
But yeah, there's another AAA title that I'm just not interested in. 

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