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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hero of the Hill Tournament

My birthday party is approaching pretty quickly, and there's still a lot of stuff I need to get done before the fun really begins, but I thought I'd get the tournament rules out of the way pretty early. I've got a cheat sheet with the controls ready and waiting to go which will be available to all of the combatants once the tournament begins, but let's hash out the actual rules here!

Within Disney Infinity 3.0's Marvel Battlegrounds playset there are a couple of different modes, you've got your typical deathmatch scenario, a strange 1v3 mode, and then Hero of the Hill (A.K.A. King of the Hill). I've spent some time playing all of the modes, but I've come to find that Hero of the Hill is definitely the most fun of them all to play as a group, so that's what we'll be doing. 

The matches will be four player free-for-all brawls (THAT MEANS NO TEAMS). Since you don't actually need to use the figures (though they must all be placed on the portal beforehand), you needn't worry about racing to get to a character first come first serve. You can all pick the same character if you really wanted to, so that's not a worry. I will say that since your actual character's color doesn't change based on your team color, if there are duplicate character picks, and alternate costumes are available (So far we've got ones unlocked for: Falcon, Cap, Hulk, Iron Man, Iron Fist, & Spider-Man -- I'll have finished unlocking all the things you can in the game by the time the tournament rolls around, so there will probably be more!) please choose an alternate costume so as not to confuse the other players. No characters are banned but take note that each and every character has one thing special about them that differentiates them from the others (Think of it like a passive bonus). Each player is allowed one practice round to get a feel for a character and to check their passive bonus. This means PER PLAYER, as opposed to per character. SORRY BUT YOU'RE ONLY GOING TO GET ONE CHANCE, so make it count.

As far as the rules go, we're going to be going for 50 points (because if you get in ahead of the others on 20 it sometimes seems like you can win instantly, which SUCKS), 5 min timer (yes, you can get 50 points within a 5 min limit), health modifiers of 100% (DON'T EVEN TRY AND CHEAT BY GIVING YOURSELVES A HANDICAP) and a damage modifier of 200% (We want the brawls to be fast and you to weigh taking a beating!). There will be NO power discs in play, because well, I don't own any of them that pertain to this play set, hahaha. 

I'll be posting the rules up on white board posters like I usually do in case some combatants don't intend to read this blog post, as well as the brackets. As always, there will be prizes for the winner (from my lot of prizes or my digital code listings, winner's choice), and the rest of you all out there in internet land are free to join in on the excitement via the tournament's livestream over on my Twitch Channel! I'm not sure of the time just yet, but there will definitely be twitter notifications and a post or two on the Okamigakure Facebook page, so be sure to follow me/us on these three outlets for updates, and to join in on the fun come tournament day (which, btw is Sept. 23rd)! 

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