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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Research and Implementation

Hey there guys and gals! It's been... Literal months since I last wrote a blog entry, but I've actually got some stuff I want to say (I mean... Not that I don't usually, but this I think is at least worth an entry). What I want to talk about in this entry is that it's always good to know what the other people in your field are up to, and when you see results, that you can use that as sort of a guideline for your own trail. 

I was having a conversation the other night about how it's impossible to will popularity into existence, but you can head along a path that might intersect. I've looked at a lot of YouTube channels that were similar to mine (I'd generally consider myself "variety gaming," if I had to give it a name), and the ones that succeed seem to almost all do one of two things. The way they provide content is broken into these two segments: constant content or professional presentation

I've been subscribed to the constant content method for about a year now, and while it is helping, there's ALWAYS going to be a somewhat major push to give more and more. When you're a one-man show (Obviously not that I don't have other people in my videos, but instead that I do all the planning, recording, editing, and then the uploads/metadata additions), there's a limit to how much you can push out, and the presentation quality isn't always your first concern. There's a lot of videos content creators like myself can put out that requires little to no editing, but without a personality to hold it all together, it often ends up becoming first of all strenuous, but then tedious and it doesn't draw the crowd. 

I'm not saying that I don't think I have the personality to hold it all together, but there has to be some kind of vision for the type of content you put out. Within the constant content type of variety gamers, there's a quite obvious schism between Let's Players and then we'll say... All the rest. I'm trying currently to exist within both of these schema at the same time and while hard, it's not exactly impossible. The Let's Players within constant content often run upwards of 5 or 6 let's plays at the same time, and if this is the case, they barely (if at all) edit the videos, so they can CONSTANTLY upload as they finish playing something. And while I do currently have the next SEVEN LPs for my channel planned after I've finished Transformers: Devastation, I don't have any plans to start uploading them ALL at the same time. I will however, if you've noticed, be doing my best to run two concurrently at most times, but one will be single player and one will be multiplayer. I'm hoping to finally be able to finish the Okamigakure Let's Play of Dungeon Defenders II, but I'm also working on Curses 'N Chaos with BurningPunch and on top of that there's another Let's Play I literally JUST started to record with CrazyBacon that I've been wanting to do for a while. That one will start up soon, but I'd like to keep something under wraps for you guys and gals out there. 

The other thing that I'm noticing more and more is that there are fewer and fewer YouTubers left that were part of the professional presentation cadre. Of the couple that I followed, only one is left, and just barely. The rest all pretty much burned out, regardless of how many times they told their audience they were doing what they loved and moved right over to Twitch, as that requires virtually 0 editing, and you get to interact with your audience. While Twitch could be what I've wanted in the long run, right now I still prefer YouTube, but I do stream over yonder every other day if you want to tune in there as well! I have a completely different game schedule over there that you can find right on my profile in a neat little box I designed. The environment and the interaction is completely different over there and I've already spoken about it at length here on the blog and won't go into detail here, since that would be a waste.

I've been reevaluating a lot of things about my life and I want to put it in writing that it's high time I started moving forward, so I'm going to do my best to do that! Maybe I'll even get my Patreon up and launched this year, maybe...?

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