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Sunday, December 22, 2019

YouTube plans for 2020~!

Totally unintentional tilde in the title of this post but I'm gonna keep it because I'm excited! So I know the last 3 or 4 months have been incredibly slow for YouTube videos from me but I'm planning on changing at least SOME of that next year! I realize it's unrealistic for me to try and get a video to come out every single day, but I think I can at least keep the content flowing at a regular pace. I've been debating a lot about which channel to concentrate on the most these last few weeks, but I think I should actually be concentrating on what series should continue unabated. That being said, I am hopefully going to start off 2020 with 2 concurrent series. 

I think you all could probably guess one of them, the re-release of Unfair-Y Tales season 3! I intend to make sure the episodes come out reasonably early in the year, and hopefully I can release all 20 episodes in sequence, without any major breaks between episodes. I haven't actually started that process though, so... We'll have to see how well that ends up going. I might push back the start a few weeks so that I can create a buffer between when the last video is ready to go and when I need to start editing the next one(s). I might actually adopt that strategy with the second series that I want to keep up with, and that's my current let's play.

I've already stated in previous entries and on Twitter that the next Let's Play I'll be running is the story in Tekken 7. I was actually a lil' worried that it would be taxing on my desktop to record and play so I've decided that I'm going to record/edit it on my laptop instead. For the second time in my life, my laptop is actually a way more powerful machine than my desktop (newer too). Once Tekken 7's story gets knocked out of the way, I'll hopefully be able to take up the next ones in line without any difficulty. I think if I take a break between uploading between let's plays, I can create another buffer to keep myself safe and the content flowing. 

Now, I fully expect to have time to devote to other videos during the week besides the two ongoing series, and I think I've come up with a good system based on my notes to vary up the content a lil' bit. It's time I actually start using my notes, and I don't intend to have done all this extra work for naught! ... Also, if you want to hear about these notes I've been talking about, feel free to give my Patreon a gander! I know I haven't really advertised for it but I'm hoping to actually get my intro and thank you videos recorded and edited sometime in the near future. I'm going to be cycling through my various notes and series to really help with the "variety" portion of my gaming channel. There's so very much I want to show you guys 'n gals, I just haven't had the time or the energy to do so! 

Oh. And I fully intend to devote a TON of time this year to Battleborn content. Besides the fact that there's going to be A LOT of Battleborn content coming on Wednesdays via highlight uploads, I want to try and finish all the content that I still have yet to do before the games' servers get shuttered early in 2021... Battleborn is one of my absolute favorite games of all time, and I want to make sure that it has a legacy, even if you won't be able to play it anymore... 

That's pretty much the jist of my plans for YouTube in 2020. Both the Kage_Okami and Scott in Real Life channels have a TON of content coming down the pipeline and I wouldn't want any of y'all to miss out on any of that good stuff! ... Also, I'm not quite there yet BUT my gaming channel is just about to hit 1000 SUBS! That's so freakin' amazing I can't even begin to explain it to y'all... But I also intend for that to be the first of many milestones we can SMASH together, and I'm absolutely looking forward to it! 

Even with YouTube enacting policy change after policy change that seems to hurt its users, I don't foresee myself quitting any time soon. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The problem with going into a Let's Play "Blind"

First of all, I just want to get it out there that I don't mean I go into let's plays for the first time blindfolded. I am ashamed to admit it took me many years to figure out what that term meant in regards to Let's Plays... If you didn't know (I can't possibly be the only one that has not known!), if you go into a Let's Play blind, it just means you haven't had any experience with the game prior to that playthrough. You're not looking at a guide, there's no specific goal in mind, you just want to play the game. This is the way that I go into 99% of the Let's Plays that I do on Twitch and YouTube, and sometimes it ends up biting me in the ass. 

For the first time, I actually booted up Swordbreaker: The Game before I started filming the Let's Play and I've unfortunately learned that this game is one of the ones where you're really not supposed to win. At least... not on your first try. You're supposed to try every single thing you can, starting over from the beginning pretty often. This means that a typical Let's Play scenario is not going to play out as I had originally planned. My new plan is to record a few runs, but I will not be adding commentary to them. There is a lot of text and in order to make sure I don't sully the experience with one of my gaming pet peeves (If you didn't know, I absolutely HATE IT when a let's player reads all the text aloud), it's better I just don't have commentary. That being said, expect at least one run of the game uploaded before I move on over to the next game on my Let's Play list. 

In addition, the playing "blind" method has another drawback... Sometimes I end up being trapped in a game that I honestly don't like. The way I am, if I start a task I feel duty-bound to complete it, so getting through something like Vanquish ended up turning into an absolutely abysmal slog. That game played NOTHING like I had anticipated. I can do all this amazingly cool shit, but they want me to be hiding behind a chest high wall for 99% of the game. LAME. 

I've actually mentioned before that I have just about the next 20 let's plays planned but you know what? Let's see how excited we can get people for the next FIVE. Also, since I'm going into these blind, please let me know if any of the others play anything like Swordbreaker because... That's good information to know. I will probably at least from now on do what I did for Swordbreaker with other games I'll be playing on the channel, so I'll have a jist of what the let's plays will end up being.  

The Next 5 (Planned) Let's Plays:
  1. Swordbreaker: The Game
  2. Tekken 7's Story
  3. T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger (which I have written a blog about before)
  4. Super Amazing Wagon Adventure (I KNOW this plays like Swordbreaker)
  5. Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Apparently I have exceed the limit for characters or something in my other requests list post... So I'm going to be adding the new ones to this one. I might also have to move some of the old lists' requests to this post once they are completed, depending on whether or not they can be saved... 
  • Axel & Shiva Survival from Ploxou youtuber
  • Sharon Arcade Mode in Fighting EX Layer from toto1996
  • Indivisible gameplay from Katie
  • Katana Zero gameplay from Katie
  • Sanix the Edgehog Gameplay from theoxfordcomma
  • Horizon Zero Dawn Let's Play from theoxfordcomma [I have streamed this on Twitch -- but here are all the highlights on YouTube]

  • Days Gone Let's Play from GrimJak [I have streamed this on Twitch, but I will continue to add the highlights here as they get uploaded to YouTube]

  • MUGEN Movelist for Zvitor's Wolverine from Iskid live forever
  • Megaman (Balance), Ryu (Projectile), Morrigan (Balance) Arcade Mode in MvC2 from toto1996
    • Ape Out Let's Play from GrimJak
    • Resident Evil 1 (Wii Remake) Let's Play from toto1996
    • Pokken Tournament Gameplay from toto1996 
    • Felicia (C1 - Rolling Buckler), Zero (C1 - Ryuenjin), Ammy (C1 - Cold Star) [UMvC3] from Ips Kitty
    • Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak [I do not own this game currently] stream from oxfordcommasplice
    • Legacy of Kain: Defiance stream from Jokerblader
    • Biomutant stream from GrimJak
    • Felicia (C5 - Cat Spike), Zero (C5 - Shippuga), Ammy (C5 - Bloom) with ALL English voice [UMvC3] from Ips Kitty

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Battle Stadium D.O.N. Tournament

Well, I certainly didn't expect to only be using the blog to post tournament rules, but that's what it's turned into. This is the first tournament I polled you guys about, and you chose Battle Stadium D.O.N.! I think I might run another poll about what the September tournament will be sometime after we're done with this one. Anyway, here we go with the rules:

  • D.O.N. works best when all four slots are filled, so we'll do our best to make sure each match has 4 combatants - free for all
  • Best 2/3 matches, two advance from each match (The first two players to be ranked top 2 in a match advance)
  • Mirror matches are ALLOWED (Hell, all four of you could be the same character if you wanted)
  • NO banned characters
  • Forest of Death (死の森) 
  • Giant Jack (ジャイアント·ジャック)
  • West City (西の都) - Look both ways before you cross the street
  • Planet Namek (ナメック) - Standing platforms change heights
  • Konoha (木ノ葉の里) - Hazard area can be opened up

If you want to tune in, we'll be streaming the tournament LIVE on Twitch, hopefully starting at 2 PM on Saturday, March 23rd. By March 29th (the Friday after the tournament), all the tournament matches should be up and viewable on my YouTube channel, just in case you missed out on the stream. C'mon and join us!