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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Update TiiiIIIme

Hey there guys 'n gals! I realize that lately I've been relegating this blog to no more than update posts, but there hasn't been anything related to my online presence as of late that I wanted to talk about. I haven't really had a chance to film much of anything as of late, work has been crazy and I got injured at our smallest nerf war of all time last weekend... It's finally healed enough that I am mostly ambulatory (I still can't bend the leg all the way without feeling like I'm being immolated, but that's neither here nor there hahahaha).

ANYWAY! What Have I been up to you ask? Mostly I've been cataloging's Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. Whatever free time I've had I'd been using over the last couple weeks has been devoted to understanding what's in the bundle, and now that that's over (If you bought the bundle and want my spreadsheet, you can grab it here: Google Drive Link ), I'm slowly adding all the applicable games to my backloggery so I can make EVEN MORE NOTES about what games to film for YouTube. After I'm done with that particular step, I'm going to do my best to start up the next let's play, T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger, the one that's been on hold for months now. I apologize for that, but I'm pretty sure that I can start now whenever I get the chance. 

In the meantime, while my mom is out of the house I'm going to get some blasters reviewed for my secondary channel. It seems like I haven't been neglecting Scott in Real Life because Unfair-Y Tales was releasing weekly, but I actually had all of those videos ready to go and scheduled months before the season ended... I don't have too much planned for that channel until the new season of UFT starts (which is next year!!). That of course is not accounting for the planning of UFT, I'll be working on that of course! Can't just release it without having worked on it, y'know?

In regards to Twitch, I actually spent the last couple weeks streaming cataloging the bundle, which was something really new and different! And just before that, I got on Twitch Sings, which everyone seems to really enjoy. We even got Heather, AKA theoxfordcomma to come sing too! It was a blast! On Tuesday we're going to jump back into the platinum hunt for Skylanders: Imaginators, which just so happens to be the final thing I have planned out for my Twitch channel! Well, that's not entirely true... I have a couple of multiplayer streams still planned that I'd love to get done but as for beaten/completion quests, the Imaginators platinum hunt is the final test! After that you're all subject to my whims and desires for what I'm currently playing!

Realistically, I'm hoping to turn that time into trying out more of the games from my list of games that have no footage, and just jumping on to chat and mess around with whatever game I've currently got myself wrapped up in. Speaking of upcoming free time, I for once got a game from the devs ~a month before release, and I'm going to do my best to play as much of it as I can and actually release a review for release day! I believe this is the first time I've ever even attempted this, so wish me luck! And with that, I'm out of updates, so I'm gonna go set up to film these blaster reviews! Until next time y'all!

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