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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Clan=Pro Since when!?

As most of you that follow me on the YouTubs know, I'm a big fan of the game SMITE. I don't particularly enjoy MOBAs in general, but SMITE has enough that's different about it, that I can still enjoy it. I mean, it certainly helps that I've got a bunch of friends that enjoy it too, but that's a whole different can of worms.
One of the things I've been running into, pretty much since the game released (besides the intermittent lag bombs, where entire teams suddenly start teleporting around... What's that about Hi-Rez? That didn't happen before launch...) is that people in-game assume that because I am in a clan, that means I am a professional, that everyone else in my clan is also professional, and that when together, we are some unbeatable, tokusatsu-like force. What the hell is that? 
While I will say that Brokidd, Kitherun, Phokidd and their group is really good at what they do, none of us are 'professional.' Pretty much every game that you play says "Do you play with friends often? Why not make a clan!" Nowhere in there does it say "If you intend to devote your life and every waking moment to never making a mistake in this particular game and forgetting to have fun, only caring about winning, then you should make a clan!" What happened to the gaming community with that one? Do they really think that winning is more important than having fun? Even when we're losing, we're still all having fun yelling at each other over on RaidCall. 
We asked someone in-game last night why they thought because we were a clan that we were professional, and they replied that it's not that we're professional, it's that we know each other. I mean, you should probably know everyone in your clan, especially if you're friends, but that doesn't mean I know exactly how they play. I have played with Kitherun and Phokidd a grand total of twice before, and all I know about them is that they are better than me
Another thing that confuses me about online play nowadays, since I've been playing a lot of SMITE and Titanfall lately, is the fact that it seems like there aren't very many developers, or even other gamers that believe that there is a 'new' stage to playing a particular game. In Titanfall for example, there is absolutely no matchmaking for any mode at this point in time, not even in Campaign. Your very first level in campaign, you could be level 1 against a Generation 9 or 10 at level 45 (That player is actually level 450-500). God forbid you're on that team then, because those players will berate you for being bad, even though you LITERALLY JUST BOOTED UP THE GAME. In SMITE, I've had people in Assault, where everyone has random gods, insult the crap out of people who have never played the god they got before to the point that they want to leave the game. You were new once too, you douchebag. 
Unfortunately, it seems like the mentality is that people who have experience were never new, that they were just born at some high level, knowing exactly what to do. What happened to humility? Is that a relic of a bygone age? I understand the 'big penis game' that most boys play (For those of you ladies out there, guys always compare themselves to others, but for the most part, only when they know they are better, and the laymen's term for that is the big penis game), but... I don't think it's right to play the big penis game with someone who basically hasn't even hit puberty right.  
Can anybody explain to me when exactly becoming part of a clan meant that you were a professional? That you cared more about winning than actually playing the game? 

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