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Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer months are slow

It's kind of a little-known fact, at least for most people that don't really sell things or do anything online, but the winter months are actually easier to make money in. It's got something to do with the fact that people are stuck inside/they don't want to go out at much, so they're home most of the time. When the weather is nasty people are also more likely to spend more time on the internet. It's a way of getting out without actually leaving the house. This also increases the chances that people will buy stuff online. Since I'm an eBay seller, I had done a little research and asked around and found that it is pretty common for the summer months to be really slow, but it seems like everything relating to the internet is a little bit slower. 
More people are outside, and even though the media keeps saying everyone is inside on their computers and not enjoying life "the way it should be enjoyed," that just isn't really that true (Like most of what the media says). This is probably the longest dry spell I've ever had on eBay without a sale, and that's pretty sad, since I currently have the most things listed for sale in my shop that I've ever had. A lot of choices, but no one's biting. 
While I never really imagined that YouTube would be my primary source of income or anything like that, what little I make is actually currently the only stable source of income I've got at the moment (I don't have a real job, the one that I had kind of... let's say, got deported, it's a long story...). 
I realize that I should probably advertise more often as well, about everything I do online, and while I am not really one of those people that is too prideful to ask for help, I find it difficult to urge people to take an interest in me. This is one of the many reasons I end up getting screwed over pretty often, but that's another story altogether. One of the things that is very well established in the YouTube community as a way to get your audience to come together is to issue a "Call to arms" at some point in each of your videos. Now, the creators are not asking you to start up a revolution, it just means that you should rally people to do something, and in the case of YouTube, that's like, favorite, comment, subscribe and dislike. 
You're probably a little confused as to why all of those things are positive and then I added dislike to the list, and that's actually a little known fact about YouTube. Likes and Dislikes actually count exactly the same on a video as part of its metadata, and likes and dislikes are what help rank videos in search. For example, a video with 100 likes and a video with 50 likes and 50 dislikes will be ranked the same in search, even though half of those should be 'negative.' So, in reality, you should actually be thanking the people that took the time out of their busy schedules to dislike your videos!
ANYWAY, since I hit you with that knowledge, I just wanted to put out there that I am in fact an eBay seller, and it would be exceptionally helpful for me and also for my YouTube channel (More sales means more gear and games!) if you checked out my eBay store every now and then! I've got tons of stuff up there now and I generally add new merchandise to the store every other day. I've also got a Spreadshirt store thanks to being a Fullscreen partner, so you could grab some new threads I designed and help me out too! Alternatively, if you don't wish to spend any extra money, you could always use my Amazon Associates ID, or use the Amazon search on the side bar of my blog to purchase something, in which case I would get some advertiser fee out of your total purchase on applicable items. You're also helping me out just by reading this, since AdSense is connected to this blog, so I thank you very much for that too!
I also have a PayPal donation button waaay down at the bottom of the page, but I don't feel very comfortable being like "GIMME YO' MONIES PLS." 

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