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Friday, July 11, 2014

What kind of Let's Play do you prefer?

Hey everyone that reads this! I decided I'd write what I hope will be somewhat of a quick entry today when the thought popped into my head. So, just like the title says, what kind of Let's Play do you prefer? 
Hah, I bet you thought it would be just as short as that! I gotta explain what I mean at least! To me, there are two kinds of Let's Plays. I'm gonna use my series, Couples' Co-Op as an example for the 'every second of play' kind of LP, and pretty much anything the King of Sweden, Robbaz does nowadays as the example for the other kind of Let's Play, where the audience gets to see basically only the parts that the creator deemed fit to show.
I ask because I've come to find that every second LPs like Couples' Co-Op with Ibb & Obb can sometimes be incredibly long, even when the goal is right in front of our faces, and I've begun to start speeding up slower parts (I actually got the idea from another friend of mine, GravityWon). I feel like if we want you guys to share in the experience, I want to give you a glimpse of everything that goes on.
On the other hand, there are LPs where the creator cuts things up to the point that they only show footage that they themselves find interesting. Sometimes it can be a little confusing because you've missed something that led up to what you're seeing, but at least there is very little, let's call it "down time," in each video. 
So I'd like to pose a question! In your opinions, which kind of LP do you find to be more enjoyable to watch?

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