Look at me, actually blogging on a somewhat regular basis, WHAT IS THIS SORCERY? HAVE I BEEN POSSESSED? Possibly. Though my sister hasn't screamed "SATAN, LEAVE THIS PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!" in quite a while. In any case, I'd like to catch you guys up on what I spent yesterday doing.
Since I'm now just about two months ahead on uploads for YouTube, and I've got nothing left to edit, I've taken the time to sit down and plan out the next steps for my channel! In regards to Unfair-Y Tales, I chose a new 20th episode (One of my original twenty was added into another existing episode), and then went about ordering the remaining 13. Then I spent pretty much the whole afternoon working on the outlines for ALL of them. I was hella proud of myself, but I certainly didn't stop there!
I started working on my new series, (I'm just in the planning stages right now, I haven't had time to sit down and get footage) and I've got the first set of videos planned for Skylander Path Guides. I've decided that I'm going to cycle through the elements, but if I've got two of the same skylander, try to hit up both paths in one pair of videos. I was debating on whether or not to just go in alphabetical order, but I figured that would not be very fun.
I'm going to go through all the skills in the tree when I do the top tree of a Skylander. If I've only got one of that Skylander, and I'm in the bottom tree (assuming none of my friends have the same Skylander), then I won't be touching upon all of the skills, only the bottom skills in the tree. This way, if one of us gets a Skylander later on that I've already done the bottom skill tree video for, then I won't confuse the audience by having all of the skills touched upon in the Bottom Tree video instead. The other confusing thing will be Wow Pows, so I will list in the title the version of the Skylander, so you'll know if they have a Wow Pow or not.
I was trying to decide exactly how to deal with the Skylanders, as in, where to start for each game, which Skylanders to start with... and I came up with a progression of where the Skylanders come from. It's going to go like this: Trap Team>Swap Force>Giants>Spyro's Adventure>Spyro's Adventure>Giants>Swap Force>Trap Team. Then the cycle will start anew! I have the entire first cycle planned out, so sorry if you want to put requests in... Not just yet! The Elemental Cycle is going to go like this: Darkness>Air>Undead>Tech>Magic>Fire>Water>Light>Life>Earth and it will reset when I'm done with Earth each time. When I run out of skylanders in a particular element, I will just continue onto the next element (You might have guessed that there aren't many videos I could do for Light & Darkness since there are only two different skylanders in each of those two elements).
On the Twitch front, I've been looking at that table I've had sitting on my channel for ages, and haven't actually done anything with. I spent a bit of time yesterday planning out how exactly to have those streams go, as in, how to play those particular games. I now have a set of games that I intend to play the entire way through, games that I should do in multiplayer, and games that I should play in Co-Op. Some of those overlap in multiple sets, but at least I know now the format in which I intend to play them! This is, in addition to the other streams I have planned.
There's a lot of good stuff coming, both on YouTube and on Twitch, so stay tuned!
I've had a pretty good last couple of days, so lemme tell you all about it!
On the eBay front, as of yesterday, I finally got to the ALMIGHTY CYAN STAR, AW YISSSSSSSSSSSSS (That's 100 feedback, aaand I'm still at 100%). This will bump me up in the search rankings, and my store has actually been doing pretty well as is recently too. It's actually really exciting to be succeeding at something that I've been working on for quite a while. That feeling of success through perseverance is just the best.
On the YouTube front, I don't know if you all out there know this, but I take weekly notes from my analytics. For the first time in... I honestly can't tell you how long, my most watched video last week was not a legacy video (When I say "legacy," I mean a video from back in the day, usually one from pre-college). My most watched video last week was How upgrades work in Dungeon Defenders 2. This is exciting for many reasons!
For my most watched video of the week to be a non-legacy video, that means I'm doing something right. I've been sticking to YouTube for like a year and a half now, and I was kind of getting worried that I'd never get anywhere. That all changed when the fire nation att-- I MEAN, when Unfair-Y Tales began, but it really seems to be taking off now. The other thing that this makes me happy about is that I've been able to help someone, somehow.
I have a really vested interest in tutorials or breakdowns/walkthroughs. I love to be able to help people, and especially when it's something that I know a lot about and I know other people might not. The fact that it's a tutorial that is doing so well only makes my desire to work on Skylander Path Guides intensify. I was worried about what kind of tutorial/breakdown to make after I stopped playing Rumble Fighter, but I think that I'll be doing fine with all that I've got planned at the moment!
I'm actually right now about two months ahead on uploads for YouTube, so I have time to work on new series. I also realized that I need to get some requests done too. I can't forget the people who have helped to shape my channel over the years, and I want to support you guys just like you've supported me!
After using my Vita, camera and camcorder to film Superpowerful Bonanza games twice in the recent past, I've learned some things about them! I figured I should write them down so that I can remember. In case anyone else is wondering about them or is attempting to try recording videos with any of these devices, maybe I can help you out too!
The camera I used, and have been using for a while (I recorded [SGS 001] Mystic Defender and a few other Genesis games with it), is a Sony Cybershot DSC-S700. It's actually a hand-me-down from my good buddy Tethrinblaze because the only other cameras I've got are a polaroid I-Zone and this really old somewhat fancy camera that when you take a picture, it imprints images of the TMNT on the film! Neither of those are very good for recording video, so he gave me his old camera. I've got a 1GB card in there now, and I've learned through filming SPB that you can fit just about one hour of footage on a 1 GB card if you're recording video. The video is recorded in full screen mode.
The PlayStation Vita is the next device that I used and I filmed the first two Unfair-Y Tales (Not counting A Dramatic Reading of a Yearbook Signing) with it. I've got a 16GB card in there right now and I haven't even come close to filling it up yet, and I have a lot of junk on that card! The Vita has a hardware limitation where it can only record 30 minutes of video at any given time, so you have to keep that in mind. The good thing about that is that it has a beep alarm to tell you when your 30 minutes are up. I kind of wish it told you beforehand, but any kind of alarm is a-okay by me! You need to manually start a new recording once the 30 minutes is up too! Regardless of which camera you use, video is recorded in full screen.
My fancy-pants new Camcorder, the Samsung HMX-F90 is my newest piece of hardware and also takes the prettiest videos. I've got a 32GB card in there at the moment and I haven't come anywhere close to filling it up at this point. What I learned about recording video with it while filming SPB is that instead of the 30 minute limitation that the vita has, this camcorder has a 20 minute limitation. It automatically starts the next video after the 20 minutes are up, but there is a 3-4 second delay between the two video files, which can be kind of annoying... This is the only recording device I've got that records in widescreen format. We've also come to find that while the memory card is not an issue, the battery life is only good for recording about two hours, continuously. I used italics there because it's not really two hours, it will die before the second hour is up, but you can turn it on and record a bit more before it dies for good.