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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Filming devices

After using my Vita, camera and camcorder to film Superpowerful Bonanza games twice in the recent past, I've learned some things about them! I figured I should write them down so that I can remember. In case anyone else is wondering about them or is attempting to try recording videos with any of these devices, maybe I can help you out too!
The camera I used, and have been using for a while (I recorded [SGS 001] Mystic Defender and a few other Genesis games with it), is a Sony Cybershot DSC-S700. It's actually a hand-me-down from my good buddy Tethrinblaze because the only other cameras I've got are a polaroid I-Zone and this really old somewhat fancy camera that when you take a picture, it imprints images of the TMNT on the film! Neither of those are very good for recording video, so he gave me his old camera. I've got a 1GB card in there now, and I've learned through filming SPB that you can fit just about one hour of footage on a 1 GB card if you're recording video. The video is recorded in full screen mode. 
The PlayStation Vita is the next device that I used and I filmed the first two Unfair-Y Tales (Not counting A Dramatic Reading of a Yearbook Signing) with it. I've got a 16GB card in there right now and I haven't even come close to filling it up yet, and I have a lot of junk on that card! The Vita has a hardware limitation where it can only record 30 minutes of video at any given time, so you have to keep that in mind. The good thing about that is that it has a beep alarm to tell you when your 30 minutes are up. I kind of wish it told you beforehand, but any kind of alarm is a-okay by me! You need to manually start a new recording once the 30 minutes is up too! Regardless of which camera you use, video is recorded in full screen. 
My fancy-pants new Camcorder, the Samsung HMX-F90 is my newest piece of hardware and also takes the prettiest videos. I've got a 32GB card in there at the moment and I haven't come anywhere close to filling it up at this point. What I learned about recording video with it while filming SPB is that instead of the 30 minute limitation that the vita has, this camcorder has a 20 minute limitation. It automatically starts the next video after the 20 minutes are up, but there is a 3-4 second delay between the two video files, which can be kind of annoying... This is the only recording device I've got that records in widescreen format. We've also come to find that while the memory card is not an issue, the battery life is only good for recording about two hours, continuously. I used italics there because it's not really two hours, it will die before the second hour is up, but you can turn it on and record a bit more before it dies for good. 

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