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Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I've been a huge fan of the Borderlands series for years. I can't even tell you how many hours I've logged in total across the three games and the many platforms I've played on. I don't usually go out of my way to repurchase games that I already have, unless they're going to be giving me a lot extra. The first game I did that with happened to be Kingdom Hearts II.5, because I have wanted to play Birth By Sleep for YEARS! I never had a PSP so I didn't get a chance to try it out...
Wait wait, wasn't this supposed to be a post about Borderlands? Oh yeah! Anyway, Grim was kind enough to get me and a bunch of other people a copy of Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for PS4, and we started to play it last night. Within the PlayStation ecosystem (PS3-PS4-Vita), you can actually transfer files around willy-nilly for one character at a time between consoles, so I could have potentially moved over all twelve of my Borderlands 2 characters onto the PS4 but I chose to take it slow and only move over one character, my level 14 Mechromancer, Gaige-archy. We ended up doing the beginning again and... for all of the hours I've put into the game, especially doing the first 2-3 hours of the game 12 times for me personally, and countless other times helping people... For the first time ever, I found playing Borderlands boring

I don't know if it's because I've done it so many times, or... I don't want to help new people or what... But... It's actually kind of scary that I suddenly became bored with something I absolutely love. I did absolutely everything in the first game with Brick and Lilith and I never got bored jumping back in to play with my friends. Hell, I didn't even get bored slumming through Pandora all alone. 
Maybe once we get past the beginning everything will be peachy-keen again and I'll discover that love I once had, but... maybe not. There's still The Pre-Sequel! to play, and that will at least have something new for me to do. I have a copy on Steam so I can't move over my characters like I can with BL2, but I haven't played Wilhelm, Nisha or Aurelia yet, so that will hopefully (fingers crossed) be very very fun to try out! 
The real thing I want to get down to is how many times can you play the same game before it gets boring? How many times can you re-hash the same thing before it becomes stale? Apparently fifteen is my limit, give or take. There's a lot of remakes and remasters coming soon, and I just don't think it's a very sustainable environment, in any sort of medium, yet... There are more of these re-'s coming out now than ever before. I'm a little worried for the future of entertainment at this rate...

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