Well, I'm not with a network this time around, but I'm back up to partner status. Basically, that just means that I can apply monetization to my videos. Unfortunately, you apply monetization separately to each and every video, and I have an ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS amount of uploaded videos, so I knew that wasn't going to work in my favor. To that end, I came up with a new lil' system!
I ended up talking it over with a few people (including my two Patreon helpers, so thanks y'all!) and I think the best course of action for me right now is to apply monetization to the videos of mine that have a bunch of views. Since I was already on the topic of 1000, I thought 1000 views was a good metric to start with. I've actually already applied monetization to the 200 or so of my videos with 1k+ views, but I tried to do it in a way to not annoy the audience!
One big change they've made is that now you can't choose where to run ads on videos that are 10 minutes or less (they have to be at least 10 minutes and 1 second long to be able to choose where ads end up). YouTube's built-in algorithm appears to choose where to place ads on any and all videos that are <10 min long. I thought originally it was just auto-applying the "Before video" ads to each of the videos, but that's not the case, sometimes it puts the ad at the end or sometimes in the middle...
Speaking of ads in the middle, I have a huge pet peeve about that and whenever I was given the chance I opted not to include any mid-roll ads. I absolutely abhor people who throw mid-roll ads in (unless there was a logical spot for them, then it's a-ok by me because that's the television way and I'm used to it), so I didn't want to subject my audience to that.
In keeping with the 'don't annoy the shit out of my audience' path, I've also opted not to have any skippable ads play on videos that are shorter than 3 minutes. I don't want anyone getting any ads that might be longer than my actual video, that's just annoying. In addition, I've only applied non-skippable ads to videos longer than 20 minutes, and in the 200 or so I've set up monetization on there was probably 10 or less, so you won't really have to worry about that either. I didn't opt for any ad cards at all because people don't even click the cards I have set up in almost every video, so I'm sure there wouldn't be much point in adding ad cards, now would there?
... I know the next post was supposed to be Twitch plans for 2020 but I felt as though this was a slightly more immediate thing to post. Also! Be sure to tune in to the Kage_Okami on Sunday, as I'll be launching the 1000 sub giveaway, and this time it's a BIG one!
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