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Monday, January 13, 2020

Twitch Plans for 2020~!

Okay, here's the blog I was supposed to write up last week with my plans for Twitch stuff! We're actually nearing the end of the list of games I said I would stream on Twitch and that's actually HELLA exciting, at least for me. That means I'll have plenty of time just to sit back and play some games that I actually WANT to play. I suspect I'll also be devoting some time to games I'd love to finish, some of which I started literally years ago.

For the MAIN plans though, the idea is that I grab the platinum in SuperChargers as quick as possible (I'm only missing one trophy so that won't be a problem). I expect to probably stream a couple more days' worth of Battleborn though, especially if I can get someone to join me! There's still so many videos I want to get filmed before the servers go down early next year... After I grab the platinum the last planned let's play I'll be running through on Twitch is going to be Iconoclasts, and then after that I'll grab the remaining trophies in Skylanders: Imaginators, which will help me grab every trophy in the whole series. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to bite that $100+ bullet and grab the final adventure pack or not though... I'm honestly not looking forward to that portion of the deal though hahaha.

There are a few more games listed on my list as games to play in multiplayer, and I plan to devote at least a few Saturdays to streaming those games with friends. I know my channel actually says I stream on Saturdays sometimes, but I honestly feel like I didn't stream a single Saturday all of last year, sorry! I also will hopefully be finishing off the Galactic Conquests in the '06 version of Star Wars Battlefront II with CrazyBacon. Grim wants me to play through Days Gone so I'm thinking I'll start that a lil' bit closer to Halloween, especially since I don't have anything left to do in ILLBLEED.

I'm actually more excited than anything else to just sit back and enjoy some games, no schedules, just having fun and sharing the experiences with some friends and fellow gamers, so I hope you guys and gals all enjoy!  

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