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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Stuff I'm working towards

So, with all this stuff seemingly going my way, I've decided that there's definitely room for improvement, especially in regards to my tech and all the rest of that good stuff! So, I decided to make a post about what I'm going to be working towards acquiring in the future. 
The first thing on this list was going to be an HDMI-DVI cable, so that I could use my projector on my PC, and thus work off two monitors at once. In the few times I've streamed from my new PC, since I'm using my old, tiny monitor, it has actually been pretty difficult for me to look at OBS' status, look at the chat box, and play too. Thanks to Grim (as usual, for he is moneybags Grim), this is now possible. Although I have to say removing the poster from the wall above my bed has left my room looking kind of bare... Perhaps it's high time I finally put up those posters I got from NYCC '13, huh? 
In terms of the true list
  • RAM Upgrade
So, I've noticed recently that although my current PC stats are faaaaar greater than my laptop's (laptop is 2GB DDR2 of RAM and my GPU is at 256MB DDR3, while my pc is 8GB DDR3 and 4GB DDR3), there's still a bit of slowdown when i'm filming. A lot moreso when I'm streaming. Thus, I think it's in my best interest if I want to continue to work here to grab a RAM upgrade. Especially since the Windows 8 apps are always constantly running and it's really hard to actually get them to stfu.

  • HD Capture Card
There are plenty of people out there that I've run into that make fun of my videos for being not HD quality. I'm currently using an EasyCap which I snagged for <$5 TOTAL. You can't expect that much from it, but I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the quality I get for games that weren't meant to be in HD. But, I'm currently looking for an alternative for PS3 games, that were actually intended to be in HD. I'm actually leaning towards the El Gato and AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'm definitely open. I forget what PianoNox uses, but I believe it's one of the AVerMedia devices. WellSeeYouLater, who also happens to be one of the admins of the Okamigakure facebook page is also in the market for such a device, so any help in these matters anyone could send our way would be great.

  • Camera/Camcorder
If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that I used to record my videos that dealt with console gaming with webcams, or in the case of my few Genesis videos, I used my camera, which actually was a hand-me-down from TethrinBlaze (THANKS BUDDY!). I'd like to move on to some kind of HD camcorder, preferably that I could grab on the cheap, but will give me somewhat decent quality. My friends over on the channel bn137 have a pretty decent setup, so I might actually question them about what they use to record. You might be wondering something like... "You just said you were gonna get an HD capture card, why do you need a camera to record?" Well, the answer to that is simple, I would love to keep expanding my horizons, and continue to provide some sort of diverse content, and some games I just wouldn't be able to capture with a capture card, like those I have on my Genesis.

  • New Microphone
This one is sort of a maybe at this point. I got a really decent mic, which is what I've been using most recently also from Tethrinblaze, aaaand a good friend of mine also gave me one of the Marvel 7 Series Turtle Beach headsets, so I think I actually don't need anything new, I just have to learn to use what I have already somewhat better... (Yes, I know there's been a hell of an echo on a lot of videos I got through OBS, I'mma fix it.... someday!) 
Now, if you're super polite, or just extremely helpful, you might be like, oh, that's neat, I hope you get to all of these goals! I was originally going to start this by saying something like "If you can find it in your heart to support me..." but it's actually unnecessary. Whether you know it or not, you're actually supporting me right here and now just by visiting my blog. The ads I have on the right are actually linked up to my AdSense account, so you are technically supporting me just by stopping by every once in a while, and for that I am extremely thankful! The same is true for just watching my videos every now and then on my YouTube Channel! I'll get paid for being a partner when my ads are viewed/clicked! To that end, any suggestions or requests you may have could also be beneficial to me! (You can refer to my Backloggery if you wanna give me a suggestion I can complete pretty soon after you give it to me!)
There are other ways to support though, some of which may not even be that difficult/have you go out of your way at all. One of those is my Amazon Associates ID. If you use that link to get to Amazon, without any additional charge to you, I will get a portion of the profit of your sale! So you can help me out while you do whatever you wanted to do! Also, the Amazon search here on my blog is tied to my Associates ID, so if you happen to buy something using that search, I'll also get a portion of the profits! 
In addition to that, you can support me via buying stuff from my eBay store or my newly-opened Spreadshirt shop! That's all stuff you could possibly do, while not necessary, it'd be nice, and any and all of that I am deeply appreciative of!
Lastly, if you've got a little excess you wouldn't mind sending my way, you can donate to me via PayPal, there's a button waaaaay at the bottom of my blog and also ones on the About Page of my YouTube Channel and on my Twitch Channel.
I'm still in awe of everything you guys have done for me already, and I just wanted you to know that it's because of you guys that I'm still doing anything at all. 


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