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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fancy pants technology!

Not sure if you've heard guys and gals, but I was the grateful recipient of a fancy-pants Samsung HMX-F90 Digital Camcorder the other day! I haven't had too much time to mess around with it, but this opens up a lot more creative outlets for me as a content creator for YouTube!
I've been using the same camera that was a hand-me-down from Tethrinblaze for quite a number of years, and it was about time I upgraded, don't you think? Now I've got HD quality video in a small package that I can easily take on the go! The first video I'll have used it for will be coming out this Sunday (2/22/15), Unfair-Y Tales #4 - The Favorite Child, so we'll see how that turns out. It certainly captures higher resolution video than my Vita, so that's great too. This also means I won't be stuck with the sound of people signing on or off the PSN/me receiving messages randomly throughout the video and confusing people. 

This camera will also make it easier for me to film things that I wouldn't be able to record normally! I should have a chance to record some games in NeoRageX that I've been trying to get a hold of for quite a while, as well as some older Genesis games (I've got the RF Modulator wire for the Genesis, not the now-standard SD RCA Cable type). You can expect some more old school fun in the vein of Mystic Defender. This also means I should be able to get the third episode of my Selected Genre Series that I intended on doing so many months ago but couldn't, up at some point as well! 
It'll be a while though, as I've pretty much got uploads scheduled up until the end of March already, so sorry if you've put in a request recently and it seems like I'm just ignoring you... I swear that's not actually the case, I've just got some nicely sized things planned for the near future, that's all! 

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