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Friday, February 13, 2015

Stuff & Thangs

I was on such a good streak at the end of last month, wasn't I? I was posting so often! Well, all good things in moderation and all that, right?
I wanted to make a quick post today to tell you guys what I'm up to! I used to add in my signature on the old Okamigakure forums what I was up to, but since they're dead, blog posts might be the next best thing! 
I'm trying to complete the Victory/Defeat animations videos for SMITE series at the moment, so I've been grabbing as much footage as I could of the mages. I've already done the victory/defeats for all four of the other classes however (Which you can view right here). I was thinking of doing something a little different after that, and making victory/defeats for every 10 new Gods that came out after I made the videos for their classes, but we'll see about that! My buddy Tethrinblaze is going to start a SMITE series up in the near future that you guys and gals might be interested in too, so don't forget to check out his channel if you haven't already!
Remember me posting a while back about our play of Superpowerful Bonanza? Unfortunately there are even more problems with the video at this point... GrimJak's phone corrupted the video of the top-down view we had so we lost that too. It's gonna be a really long video from (mostly) just a terrible angle, but I mean, it'll still give you an idea of how the game plays! I'll be editing the footage we have of that in the near future, so you should be able to see it soon! 
Now that the DMTV movelist is complete, I think I'll be moving onto another tutorial/showcase series, but you guys will have to wait and find out what that is.
I think you'll enjoy in either case. Before I forget, thanks for everything guys and gals out there! I've been getting a steady stream of new subscribers on the YouTubs, and I really am grateful for that! 

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