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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Another LP done, what next?

Well, as of today my Sonic R commentary-less run has been completed, and now I'm sitting here wondering if I should start a new LP or a new ongoing series for YouTube. Speaking of LPs, the Genghis Khan II one I was supposed to be doing on Twitch ended up being a complete bust. Game is hard, boring and all around, just not very interesting or fun. There's no way I'd be able to stomach playing through the whole thing. On top of that, absolutely no one wanted to watch. Teth went so far as to tell me the game was boring after I was already struggling to continue to play it!
I have the basics down for a new game series as well as a new vlog(?) series. Don't worry, I'm not going to quit Unfair-Y Tales or anything like that any time soon. I'm actually considering making it weekly instead of every other week for the second season, which I'm going to be subtitling THE SCHOOL YEARS, and it will be all stories I've picked up via school. A couple high school stories, but mostly college stories, because there's a just a HUGE mass of them from those four years. The best four years of my life, seriously!

I'm getting off topic for this post though... As usual. Anyway, I'm thankful for having good friends that are always willing to help a brother out, so you can expect to see a lot of Okamigakure-centric videos and streams coming up in the near future! I know that I'm not in this alone, and I want to make that more apparent to the rest of you guys as well! Speaking of that, if you haven't had a chance yet, and you want to keep up with what we're doing as a whole, why not drop by our clan facebook page and leave a like? I swear there's a lot of good stuff coming from us in the near future, so stay tuned!

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