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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Even the best laid plans go awry

I finally got around to asking Liz about YouTube/Twitch stuff and I got a definite "no" this time about the Kaos Doom Challenge stream. She definitely wants me to do it with someone else. I am not sure who I'm going to be running through it with at this point, but I'm probably going to have it done by the end of the year. At this point, I don't have any real intention of buying SuperChargers, so Trap Team just might be my last game in the series. Honestly, Skylanders isn't as fun without someone to share the awe with.
Though, speaking of Skylanders, I've gotten the second Skylander done in my Skylander Path Guides series, and I just got the a-okay from Liz to start working on the third. I'm going to be explaining Eye-Brawl's paths next and I wanted to make sure she was okay with me using her baby, Pumpkin Eye-Brawl. Really the only person that plays him and S2 Chop Chop is her, they're her babies. I just have custody, I guess you could say, haha.
She also gave me the a-ok to use her stories, so as Season 1 (I'm going to do 20 episodes of my life as a whole, mostly my family, and then another 20 episodes -- a season 2 if you will, of stories from school) of Unfair-Y Tales draws to a close, you can expect to hear more about her! Ideally I would have liked for her to actually tell the stories herself, but something tells me that won't happen, ever. Heck, one of the reasons I started Unfair-Y Tales was for her, and as of right now I'm pretty sure she's going to be the absolute last person on the planet to watch them!
I'm also going to be going full circle with the series as the first season comes to a close. Remember how I mentioned all those "stories for later" at the beginning? Well, all of them are coming up real soon! I've been getting better and learning more about PowerDirector with both of these series, so expect more from me, editing-wise, in the future! 

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