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Friday, August 14, 2015

Where have I gotten in the last year?

So it's been about a year since I last posted what I was working towards to improve my internet gaming cred, and a lot has changed since that last post! I've spent the last year or so buffing up my YouTube and Twitch channels, and I've even been able to sink some cash into upgrades that were needed. 
I posted last time that I was working towards getting an HD Capture Card, and I fulfilled that goal, with my ElGato HD60. You haven't seen me use it as much for YouTube as of yet, but that will be changing in the near future. I've been using it mostly for Twitch. I recently upgraded to Win10 though and I'm having a few issues with streaming, so hopefully I can get all of that sorted out as soon as possible. 
I also got my hands on an HD camcorder, thanks to Grim, which really helped me expand my repertoire of videos. It's so much easier for me to work with things that aren't on screen, like Unfair-Y Tales, to give an example! I owe him huge props for that. 
While we did do quite a few Superpowerful Bonanza videos (Which you can find here), I'm not sure if I'll be doing any more board game videos on my channel. My buddy Tethrinblaze is hoping to start up a little more of that in the future, but I'm not really all that interested in board games, truth be told. 
Also thanks to Teth I picked up an S-Video cable for the GameCube so you can expect at least a couple more GameCube videos coming in the near future, both on Twitch and YouTube. Now that I'm in a really good place, I've got time to work on and flesh out all the ideas I've been writing down and brainstorming about since I started to get serious about YouTube! 
Anyway, the things that I'm currently working towards are:

  • PC Upgrades
Moreso than just the RAM, I'm strongly considering also getting an upgrade for my graphics card. The more power the more games I own that I will potentially be able to share with you guys! This is the only major item that I haven't had a chance to set any money aside for from the last time I wrote one of these up. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears!

  • Laptop Battery
 As you know, I love me some good old fashioned tech, and while it's probably about time I get rid of my laptop altogether, I'm just not ready. I could really do with a working battery though, as my laptop has begun to freak out from all the direct power, and I mean... It's a laptop, it sucks to have to treat it like a desktop because you can't move it. I have a Sager NP2090, which is the same thing as a COMPAL IFL90, so batteries are kind of hard to find. I'm trying to find a good third party, but I need to do a little more research at this point. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears to those as well!

  • S-Video Cable for Wii
I now have an S-Video cable for all the consoles I own that are capable of accepting one (PS1-3, GameCube and Dreamcast) except for the Wii. While the quality improvements to the video are only viewable by me and whoever else is with me, splitting the signal makes sure that the video doesn't get incredibly dark. For some reason when you split a Yellow RCA cable's signal and display it on both things you're splitting to, the signal ends up getting super dark. I've also got plans for quite a few Wii games' videos in the near future, and I'd like for them to be... As visually pleasing as possible.

The only other item that I'm looking for would be a digital camera, but I'm still kind of on the fence about that one. My old digital camera is sucking the life out of batteries like there's no tomorrow, but my camcorder has somewhat of a decent camera capability, so I don't think it's altogether necessary. Really, if I could get those three aforementioned things, I believe I would be set for the near future in regards to YouTube and Twitch! 

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