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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hiccups in scheduling and NYCC!

Sorry about the whole, me not streaming thing yesterday. My internet crapped out and was out until about 1 PM this afternoon when I called FiOS support. Robot told me there was a problem, but I still haven't discovered what it is, and the service rep didn't know either. So very helpful!
On top of that, after finally getting internet back, I've come to find that I can't export anything from Twitch to YouTube. I know that it takes a few tries every now and then to get the videos to go through, but I just can't get any to go through today which is rather disconcerting, to say the least. I'm trying everything but I still can't get it to upload anything, so... there may not be a stream highlight upload this week. I'm going to keep at it until it actually works though, I swear it! I feel as though I should at least link to the video somewhere, so more than just my twitch followers can see it. I played through the entirety of X-Men: Destiny on X-Treme difficulty with Shadow Matter Adrian, and I was really hoping to get that up on YouTube. I was planning on starting a brand new playlist of Longplays, since I have a few up there already, and I have more coming down the line! 
Also, this weekend is New York Comic Con 2015! That being said, I won't be around until Monday or so, but I shall return with items to stock my eBay store to the brim and lots more stories! As always, you can expect a vlog next Sunday all about it! I am actually really far behind on stuff so I haven't had a chance to plan out my panels or anything yet... But I will be cosplaying for the first time, so there's that! You can expect to see lots of stupid pictures on this blog in the near future.
I also have a phone interview of sorts for a job I might actually have a chance at getting, so I'm currently freaking out about that. As much as NYCC is stressing me out, I'm glad that I'm stressed about NYCC instead of this interview. I have a lot to think about if I actually get the job...
Also, in terms of games, as most of you know I just got Skylanders: SuperChargers, so you can expect quite a few new Skylanders videos coming up AND I got my hands on a Wii U, so once I have that all set up and ready to go I look forward to playing some new games! 

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