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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Upload Changes for Phase 2

I've been talking a lot lately about Phase 2 of my YouTube channel here and there, and I just wanted to go into a bit deeper detail about what all of that junk entails. So I'll go right ahead and tell you guys what my uploads are going to be like once Phase 2 begins!
First off, I'm going to do my best to have just one Let's Play going at any given time. I was doing two at the same time recently, and it was just eating up my upload schedule (Couples' Co-Op has Ibb & Obb going and I was working on Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects myself, if you were wondering). As of this week, the footage I had of MN has all been uploaded, so I'm going to finish uploading Ibb & Obb (WE ACTUALLY BEAT THE GAME!) and then I'll go back and finish off Marvel Nemesis. I'm not 100% sure what the next LP will be, but chances are I already have it written down somewhere. I'm going to concentrate on taking things relatively one step at a time. For Let's Plays though, I've decided that I'll be uploading them in the 11 o' clock timeslot on their respective days. The upload schedule itself will remain the same: 

  • Sundays: Vlogs/rants/Unfair-Y Tales
  • Tuesdays: General Gameplay
  • Wednesday: Twitch highlight(s) every other week [Gonna stick to 2 at max]
  • Saturday: Fighting games/beat-em-ups
The next Couples' Co-Op game we'll be going through will be Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. That much is certain. As for my own Let's Plays, I'm not too sure. Since we have time to work on something else, you can expect Couple's Competition and Couples' VERSUS to start up sometime soon! 
I will be getting back into finishing off my old series as well in Phase 2. I need to get back to my roots, and back to the reasons why people watched me in the first place. I'll definitely be going back and finishing off my GNT4 1v3s, since that's something I have been wanting to do for a long time. I'll also be cycling through new content and finishing off the requests that I still have. I really will get to them, regardless of people telling me they'll help me film and they don't actually.. As for the new stuff, I have a set of probably... 100 or so games that I want to film, sooner rather than later. I have a lot of data to go through and hopefully it will help me out in the future.
During Phase 2 I would also like to have one tutorial series going on at a time. When I played Rumble Fighter somewhat religiously, my goal was to make one adventure mode tutorial per month. That was a little hard to follow through with, but I tried. Since RF left OGPlanet, I haven't looked into it so I won't be doing the bm tutorials anymore, unless there's a huge clamoring for them (Which I highly doubt). Therefore, I'll be going back and finishing the DMTV movelist first, and then what I've decided to do next is work on path guides for Skylanders. As far as I know there's only one other person who does this and I find his series terribly unpleasant to watch. Even though his videos grate on my nerves he gets a metric butt-ton of views on them, and I know that I can do them better, with more insight than he provides. After I finish path guides for Skylanders, I'm not too certain what the next thing would be, but I've got ~70 skylanders, so the videos will probably take quite a while to get through anyway. I was considering making God breakdown videos for SMITE, but they started the Know Your Enemy series, and I do not think I can compete with the actual game doing the videos. 
Speaking of SMITE, I was thinking of making MMO videos a once-a-month kind of thing. I was strongly considering doing the victory/defeat animations things once a month,  but I think instead I'll just release them when I get a chance. 
That's what I've got so far, and I hope you're just as ready for Phase 2 to start as I am!

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