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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Board Game Filming

I'm going to be trying something new out on Friday, and that's filming a board game. I've never tried it before, but if it turns out to be simpler than it seems at first glance, maybe I can do it a little more often!
As of right now, we've got GrimJak, JackBauer, Tethrinblaze, ForeverKimberly, The Laundry King and myself set to play, and we'll have at least three cameras. From the board/tabletop videos I've seen on YouTube, there's usually one camera devoted to seeing everything, one for the board, and another one set aside for mock interviews. I'm not 100% sure if that'll be our exact setup, but we'll do our best to work something out. 
The game we're going to be filming is Superpowerful Bonanza (Which I did an unboxing with with Liz you can watch here: CLICK ME!), which is a beta board game (as of right now), created by YouTube's very own Homemadegameguru! We backed the game during its campaign on indiegogo, and we have only played once before. 
Homemadegameguru is asking for ideas and suggestions, and I figured what better way to help a fellow YouTuber than by promoting their work via YouTube! The unfortunate part is that I'm not entirely sure if we'll be able to finish a game. My original description of the game was "Imagine Double Dragon as a board game," but after playing it just once, I think I can add "and the difficulty was that of Metal Slug or Contra." The game is absolutely unforgiving, so don't expect our bunch to survive that long. Hell, I got hit by a car my very first turn the first time we played. I will say winning a battle is hella satisfying in this bleak, dangerous world though!
If you guys have any suggestions for filming or ideas, please let me know, and I'll see what we can do about it!

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