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Friday, January 16, 2015

Warframe Mission Types

Why. WHY WHY WHY does this game not explain what the mission types are?? They just want you to figure it out along the way I guess, but if you're playing alone, you'll probably end up getting screwed. So, I'm just going to make a list here for those of you that are new and having a little trouble with the mission types. I haven't done every kind of mission yet, so this will just be for the ones that I've run into thus far. 
  • Survival
Survival seems to be the most self-explanatory of the mission types, but it's actually not really explanatory at all. In survival it's true you have to survive for a set amount of time, but the rules for the mission itself are a lot more confusing. In survival, the life support system of wherever you are is shut down so that the enemies (and you!) have something to deal with, while another Tenno supposedly gains vital information. Every five minutes you gain a new mod. The enemies become increasingly more powerful as time goes on.
Remember how I mentioned life support was down? You need to keep a close eye on the Life support level. Enemies occasionally drop support packages that keep the number up, but Lotus will also scatter life support interfaces around the stage. They pop up on your minimap as the yellow objectives, just like the life support packages. 
When life support drops to 0, you don't die, oddly enough. Instead, you constantly take damage, first to your shields, and then to your health, until you die or get to extraction. In Survival missions, you can get out pretty much any time after the first five minutes, but you must make it to extraction yourself, by following the green extraction waypoint.
  • Defense
Defense is a semi-typical horde mode. The enemies come in waves and you must protect some item from their assault. Every five waves you'll get a new mod or other bonus, but the enemies become more powerful after each wave. After you are given your reward at the end of a set of five waves, you are given the option to continue the mission (for another 5 waves), or to extract. You don't need to go anywhere if you choose extraction, you will just leave the mission.
  • Capture
In capture missions, you must find one or more high value targets and bring them back with you. This doesn't mean you have to play tag though. You've got to kill whoever the HVT is and then walk over and... basically digitize them and send them to Lotus. The challenge of this mode is that if the HVT(s) see you, they will BOOK for an exit, so you'll have to chase them if you want to succeed.
  • Deception
In deception, one player needs to carry a... let's go with... "space briefcase," and use it to interface with some terminal somewhere on the level. In some cases after interfacing with the terminal, the player(s) will need to defend the terminal from oncoming forces for a set duration as if they were playing survival with life support enabled. The player carrying the briefcase cannot use their primary weapon, only their secondary and their melee. After the terminal has been located and used, you need to make it to extraction by following the green waypoint manually. 
  • Exterminate
Exterminate is probably the easiest of all the gametypes. You jump into a mission with a set number of enemies to kill (All of them on the stage, basically), and the nearest enemy to you appears on your minimap, so it's basically a hunt. After you've finished all the enemies, you must get to the green extraction waypoint manually. 
  • Mobile Defense
Mobile defense is like a combination of gametypes. The fact that it has another word tacked onto another gametype only makes it more confusing. It involves hacking terminals, which requires someone to carry a space briefcase. After the hacking, you'll need to survive for a set amount of time. Once that's done, you move to another terminal and do the same. Extraction is manual here too. 
  • Interception
Interception gametype is the absolute worst-named of them all. It's a capture the point/king of the hill-type game mode, which is definitely not something you would get from the title. I personally wouldn't attempt an interception without at least one other person.
There are generally four points in interception, A, B, C and D. The gametype functions on a round system, whereas if one team can get to 100% via holding the points longer than the other team, that team wins the round. After each round you are given the option to extract or continue the battle, like the every five wave model in defense. The enemies here become increasingly more powerful with each round as well. 
  • Sabotage
Sabotage involves you finding something and destroying it, depending on where you are/who you're dealing with. Afterwards you may end up having to race to extraction, but not always. Either way, you'll need to head to the green extraction waypoint manually. 
  • Assassination
The most straightforward of the mission types. This one usually involves a boss fight, and generally speaking, allows you to gain some kind of Warframe parts. You must fight your way to the boss, and upon their defeat, make it to the green extraction waypoint manually. The actual boss does not drop warframe blueprints, they are instead rewarded to the player upon completion of the level. 
  • Rescue
Rescue missions are no less fun than they are in any other game here in Warframe. In rescue missions you'll have to find a prisoner somewhere and escort them to the green extraction waypoint. I've only run into these missions as part of the story so far, but then again, I've only been playing for five days or so, ha.
  • Spy
Spy missions involve you accessing a terminal and then carrying a space briefcase (they're really called "datamasses") all the way to extraction. There can be 1-4 total datamasses within each level, but not all of them need to be carried to extraction if there are not enough players for each of you to grab one. You just need to bring as many as you are capable of to extraction manually.

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