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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Originality in Games

As a gamer, one of the things I fear the most is developers running out of ideas. Now, I'm not saying that there isn't theoretically an infinite amount of ideas that could be worked on, it's just that for the most part, developers like to stick to concepts that they know will work, as opposed to exploring new ideas, challenges and forms of gameplay. There's also something I realized last night that could also help abate that whole "nothing is new ever again" feeling that's always sizzling away on the back-burner of my mind. 
I got a PS4 for christmas, and I went onto the PSN and was searching for games that I might not have heard of but were available, and one of the ones I discovered was Rollers of the Realm. From the title I figured it was going to be like... Rock of Ages or something like that. After that I thought it was an RPG because of the characters' silhouettes on the title screen, you could definitely tell there were your typical RPG fare, knights, rogues, wizards and the like. When the game started, and I sat through the first cutscene about witches and knights and curses and a little thief, I thought without a shadow of a doubt, this was definitely a role playing game. And then, the first map booted up. 
Flippers? a plunger? What the heck is this? The most interesting hybrid I've ever seen in my entire life. An engaging story that takes place in a fantasy world, yet all of the major characters interact with the environment as PINBALLS. The board is actually made of towns and other areas on your quest to unite the land in peace, and you do meet people and interact with them. There are hidden paths on the board as if it were a real pinball machine and you can even get into battles with enemies by slamming into them and dealing damage! The voice acting is actually REALLY good, which also surprised me. I was very confused as to why someone was talking, but once I realized that all the characters were actually the pinballs, things started to make a lot of sense. 
I'm not actually a really big fan of pinball (besides that one pinball game that came standard on all XP computers), so I don't think I'll be giving this game a purchase, but I was very pleasantly surprised to see something new. The content of what's going on isn't really new by any stretch of the imagination, what with the orphan hero making a new family and all that, but the way it's presented is something totally new and amazing. I'm really glad I just randomly decided to click download and I got to experience something I couldn't have elsewhere. This is the kind of thing that gives me hope for the future of the industry!

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